Help Page

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There is no default help page in Drupal 7. However, there is a link included in the order confirmation email your customer receives pointing them to a help page on your website. That link will direct visitors back to your front page unless there is a custom help page created and configured on the site.

The section of the order confirmation email with the link to the help page:

Where can I get help with reviewing my order?
To learn more about managing your orders on YOUR SITE NAME, please visit our help page.


The first step in creating a help page is to create the page itself. If you’re not familiar with creating pages you can find the instructions here or you can watch our training video.

Website best practice suggestions for creating your custom help page:

  1. Focus on the information

    • When it comes to FAQ pages, you have to make sure the content you’re presenting is accurate and provided in the most efficient way possible. Don’t fill this page with unnecessary design elements, you don’t really need your slideshow and event listing posted here.
    • Customers get to this help page from their order confirmation email. So, this page should definitely include information related to ordering on the website. We recommend including the following information:

      • Contact Us
      • Order tracking
      • Accessing your account
      • Refund policy
      • Privacy policy
  2. Organize the topics

    • Before creating your help page, think about how best to organize it. The longer your page is, the more care you need to take to make sure visitors can find the answers they’re looking for quickly and easily.
  3. Make asking new questions simple

    • If visitors can’t find answers to their questions on the help page, it’s likely they’ll want to ask you directly. Make sure you include your contact information in a visible area of the page.
  4. Make It Easy to Find

    • What’s the point of having a help page if your visitors can’t find it? After creating your help page, place it in a menu or block on your site where visitors can easily find it.

When your help page is ready you can configure it as the default help page.


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Store

  1. Complete the path field under ‘Store help page’ - relative path to the new help page created.
  2. Save configuration

The ‘help page’ link in the order confirmation emails will now direct customers to your new help page.

IndieCommerce Help Documents


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American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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