Shipping Methods

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ABA does not recommend specific rates for shipping, and any value indicated below is simply for the purposes of illustration.


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Shipping Quotes

  1. Select the shipping options you wish to offer from the list of flat rate quotes. (If a check mark is in place it is being offered)
  2. Save Configuration

Note: The default shipping rates do not reflect current rates; be sure to check prices with UPS, USPS, and FedEx before calculating your shipping rates.


  1. Select ‘Edit’ for the shipping method you want to adjust pricing for.
  2. Adjust your ‘Base Price’ and ‘Default product shipping rate’ as wanted

    • Example: Base Price = $8.00       Default Product Shipping Rate = $0.95

      •     Shipping with 1 Item in cart = $8.95
      •     Shipping with 2 = $9.90
  3. Submit

Repeat steps 1-3 until all shipping methods have been adjusted to your liking.

NOTE: The features below this point are for IndieCommerce members only.


  1. Select ‘Add flat rate quote’
  2. Fill in:

    • Shipping method title -  Example: Ground Shipping
    • Line item Label - Example: Ground Shipping (7-14 days)
    • Base Price - Example: $3.00
    • Default product shipping rate - Example: $0.95
  3. Submit


You may need to add conditions to a shipping method for various reasons, such as - offering a particular shipping method only when a specific type of item is ordered or offering discounted shipping. These next steps guide you through doing so.

Shipping Method for a Specific Product Class

  1. Select ‘Conditions’ for the appropriate shipping method
  2. Select ‘Add’ option (Add Condition, Add or, Add and)
  3. Select the type of condition to add - Example: in this case, you would select ‘Check an order’s product classes’ under the ‘Order: Product’ options. (If you are not sure what the appropriate condition to add is just contact us and we’ll guide you through it).
  4. Continue
  5. Enter the required data fields on the next page - Example: in this case, we’re selecting the ‘Mugs’ product classes
  6. Save

The shipping method selected will now only appear as an option when there is a ‘Mug’ in the shopping cart.

Discounted Shipping

  1. Select ‘Conditions’ for the appropriate shipping method
  2. Select ‘Add’ option (Add Condition, Add or, Add and)
  3. Select the type of condition to add - Example: in this case, you would select ‘Data Comparison’.
  4. Continue
  5. Enter your ‘Data selector’ - by expanding ‘Data Selectors’ you can find a list of possible choices here. For this example, you would want to enter: order:order-total
  6. Continue
  7. Set your ‘Value’ - For this example, we're saying any order with an order total greater than $99 can have this discounted shipping option.
  8. Enter your ‘Data Value’ - For this example, 99.00
  9. Save

The shipping method selected will now only appear as an option when the order total is greater than $99.00.

Shipping Method for a Specific Role

  1. Select ‘Conditions’ for the appropriate shipping method
  2. Select ‘Add’ option (Add Condition, Add or, Add and)
  3. Select the type of condition to add - Example: in this case, you would select ‘User has roles'. (If you are not sure what the appropriate condition to add is just contact us and we’ll guide you through it).
  4. Continue
  5. Enter the required data fields on the next page - Example: in this case, we’re selecting the appropriate role
  6. Save

The shipping method selected will now only appear as an option for customers with that role.

These are just a few common scenarios for adding conditions to shipping methods. If you have another scenario and need assistance setting it up please email [email protected].


  • Be cautious of Overnight & 2 Day delivery.  Rates can be astronomical, and customers don't realize that items need time to be packed and shipped. It can be particularly problematic for orders placed on Friday.
  • For custom products, standard shipping rates can be manipulated on the product page.  For instance, if you are selling a heavy hardcover textbook that weighs 10 pounds, it is possible to add an extra dollar amount to your existing shipping options for just that product. (keep in mind this is only for custom products).
  • Rename UPS Ground shipping to 'Ground Shipping,' then use a less expensive shipping option like media mail when needed.


IndieCommerce Help Documents


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American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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