Bloomsbury- Summer Reads!

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Start Date: 
July 1, 2013
End Date: 
August 31, 2013

Enjoy travel inspired romances for just $2.99 each!

eISBN Title Author Price Notes
9781448211074 Coast to Coast Frederic Raphael $2.99 Marion and Barnaby Pierce are about to sell their New England house and drive cross country for their son's wedding in Los Angeles. Their long drive from coast to coast is planned to include a number of stops, but unplanned is the old wounds they open along the way.
'The artfulness of the conversation delivers sly grown-up pleasure. ' New York Times
Frederic Raphael won an Oscar for the 1965 movie Darling, and was nominated for his screenplay for Two for the Road. He collaborated on the screenplay of Stanley Kubrick's last film Eyes Wide Shut.
9781448209934 A Shadow on the Sun Francis Cottam $2.99 Polish war exile Julia Smollen has escaped the horrors of Nazi labour camp to forge a new life in California with her daughter, Natasha. It's an exciting time to be in America. With Sinatra and the ratpack dominating a golden Hollywood and the young Jack Kennedy emerging on the political scene, it's a time of optimism and opportunity. Under the protection of her former lover's great friend, Bill, Julia and her daughter thrive. Yet Natasha remains unaware of her true identity and Julia cannot keep the truth hidden from her daughter forever. A sinister figure from the past has tracked them down, with his own dark, vengeful agenda...
"A story of loyalty and enduring friendship, as compelling as it is poignant" - Irish Times
9781448210138 Burial Graham Masterton $2.99 New York City. Friday night. Untouched by anything visible, Mrs Greenberg's furniture starts to slide across the room - and however hard she tries, she can't move it back. Harry Erskine, self-taught fortune teller, agrees to investigate - but soon realises that Mrs Greenberg's moving furniture is just the beginning of a nightmare, for it is being drawn by the same inexorable force which drags us all to the grave.

City by city, America is on the brink of falling into the abyss - women and children, streets and buildings - one and all brought thundering and screaming into the dominion of the dead...

Graham Masterton is the former editor of Mayfair and Penthouse, and his fiction has been awarded the Special Edgar award by the Mystery Writers of America for Charnel House and a Silver Medal by the West Coast Review of Books for Mirror. He is also the only non-French winner of the prestigious Prix Julia Verlanger for his novel Family Portrait.

9781448206018 Hard Travellin' Kenneth Allsop $2.99 Kenneth Allsop uncovers the mysterious world of the American hobo, a legendary figure in the depression years, but surviving until today. Kenneth Allsop travelled 9,000 miles across the continent, following old hobo routes, interviewing and researching as he went along.
9781448210848 Wide is the Water Jane Aiken Hodge $2.99 At the height of the American War of Independence, Hart Purchis, captain of a privateer, marries the rebellious spy Mercy Phillips, rescuing her from the wrath of the British in Savannah. But it is not long before the wide waters of the Atlantic separate the lovers: Hart’s ship is captured by the British and Hart himself falls under the spell of his evil cousin Julia in London.

Mercy, it seems to him, is lost to him forever. Or is she? Back in Philadelphia Mercy has met a mysterious but charming young Frenchman and is now laying her own plans…

9781448201693 Unclouded Summer Alec Waugh $2.99 A young American painter painting in the Mediterranean has a passionate encounter, a period of total enchantment that would remain to haunt him for the rest of his life, affecting his career, his code of behaviour, his entire existence. He sensed all this and yet he went to her, this woman he loved, this woman who could never be his...

Alec Waugh, brother of Evelyn Waugh, is the successful author of over 50 works, and lived in many exotic places throughout his life which later became the settings for some of his texts, such as Unclouded Summer.

9781448203543 No Talking after Lights Angela Lambert $2.99 Long light evenings, swimming and tennis, striped cotton's summer at Raeburn School. New arrival Constance King hates her boarding school on sight, yet dreams of being accepted by the other girls. Instead, she finds a ferment of frustrated hopes mingled with excited expectations...
9781448204755 1939: The Last Season of Peace Angela Lambert $2.99 For 300 years, 'the London Season' introduced England's most aristocratic and eligible girls to society. But the Season of 1939 was different: it was to be the last. And like many a finale, it lives on in memory as a lovely, enchanted dream, all the more beautiful for the horror and destruction that would follow so soon.

Based on a wealth of first-hand reminiscences, press clippings, and memorabilia, 1939: The Last Season of Peace is a fascinating portrait of this fairy tale about to end.

9781448209606 The Twitter Diaries Georgie Thompson; Imogen Lloyd Webber $2.99 The Twitter Diaries tells the story of two best friends separated by an ocean but united over a social network. Accessible, funny and heart-warming, it's this summer's must read.
'This book is outrageously defamatory, scandalously exaggerated, disturbingly sensationalised, yet also hideously, addictively entertaining. I don't know whether to consult my lawyer, or my shrink.'- Piers Morgan
Georgie Thompson is a TV presenter for Sky Sports. She has more than 670,000 Twitter followers. Imogen Lloyd Webber is a contributor for MSNBC and Fox News. She has 16.8k Twitter followers.
9781448205585 The Black Soul Liam O'Flaherty $2.99 When a strange man comes to a small island in the Irish Sea, he unleashes the passions of a joylessly married couple. This stranger becomes conscious of the dark-haired Mary - how summer makes her shiver with life. He is the first man she has ever loved, and she thrills with sexual awakening. But with autumn comes danger. Peasants mutter superstition against Mary; Red John laughs at nothing, there's murder in his eyes; and a madman's yell hurls the Stranger back to sanity . . . .Intense, compelling, beautifully descriptive - as Wuthering Heights is to the Yorkshire moors, so The Black Soul is to the Irish isles.
9781448208258 Great Meadow Dirk Bogarde $2.99 Sir Dirk Bogarde, the actor and novelist, reminisces about his childhood in rural English with his sister Elizabeth and their strict nanny, Lally. For the children it was an idyllic time of joy and adventure: of gleaning at the end of summer, of oil lamps and wells, of harvests and harvest mice in the Great Meadow. This lost world, visited fleetingly in A Postillion Struck by Lightning, the first volume of Dirk Bogarde's autobiography, is seen here through the eyes of an innocent but shrewd eleven-year-old. With great sensitivity and poignancy it captures the sounds and scents, the love and gentleness that surrounded the young boy as the world outside prepared to go to war.
9781448202485 The Sugar Islands Alec Waugh $2.99 Alec Waugh lived in Martinique and had a life-long fascination in the Caribbean. The Sugar Islands is collection of select writing on the island and the region.
9781448202294 The Spanish Temper V.S.Pritchett $2.99 Eliciting comparisons to Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, Pritchett's meditative work on Spain is comprised of a string of sketches, woven around the author's musings on the Spanish character. Having lived in Spain for four years during the 1920s, Pritchett is well placed to deliver such a report, and his resulting narrative is both well informed and delightfully written.
9781448202065 Dublin V.S.Pritchett $2.99 VS. Pritchett, master of the short story, is also the most evocative of travel writers. His portrait of Dublin - its past, politics and people, its grand mansions and curious corners - is as beguiling and eloquent as the city itself, as he writes of the Dublin he knew in the 1920s, of visits to Sean O'Casey and Yeats (brandishing a teapot in his rage at Shaw) and of the changing city forty years later, facing the future but still as eccentric and engaging as ever.
9781448205516 The Pirates in the Deep Green Sea Eric Linklater $2.99 The Pirates in the Deep Green Sea, written for children, is a fantasy, in which Davy Jones and all the drowned pirates under the sea are discovered guarding the great knots that tie latitudes and longitudes together to keep the world from splitting.


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