Book Sense

12 Apr

Putting Potter Plans on Paper

In the coming weeks and months, Bookselling This Week would like to shine the spotlight on booksellers who have developed special events to celebrate the Saturday, July 16, release of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Scholastic).

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11 Apr

Eight of Swords Makes a 'Notable' Debut

In David Skibbins' debut mystery novel, Eight of Swords (St. Martin's Minotaur), dramatic events occur with startling synchronicity in the life of its protagonist, a part-time professional tarot-card reader.

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07 Apr

Quill(ing) Participants Must Respond by April 15

Independent booksellers in the Book Sense marketing program who wish to be a part of the inaugural Quill Awards Nominating Board must respond by e-mail to The Quill Foundation's Anne Binkley at [email protected] no later than Friday, April 15.

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06 Apr

The May Book Sense Picks and Notables Preview

Here is the full listing of the May Book Sense Picks, with booksellers' comments. Independent booksellers in the Book Sense program are receiving their Picks fliers in the April Red Box.

This week, Book Sense also presents a preview of the May Book Sense Notables. Bibliographic information for titles designated "Notables" is included on the May Picks flier.

Shelf-talkers and a downloadable flier of the May Book Sense Notables with jacket images, bibliographic information, and bookseller quotes will soon be available on

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06 Apr

In the April Red Box...

The Red Box is filled with items of interest and import for you and your business this month:

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06 Apr

Massachusetts' Booksmiths Continue Their Winning Ways

During its 44 years, Brookline Booksmith has received its share of accolades from loyal customers and from the industry at large. Offspring Wellesley Booksmith, which opened in 1999, has also won its share of recognition.

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06 Apr

The Book Sense Holocaust Remembrance Bestseller List

For the eight-week sales period ending April 3, 2005, and based on reporting from hundreds of independent bookstores across the U.S.

Past Category Bestseller lists are available at

Attention Media: Please contact Meg Smith at [email protected] for reprint guidelines for your newspaper or magazine.

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31 Mar

Special Harry Potter Gift Card Created for Book Sense

Beginning next week, booksellers participating in the Book Sense Gift Card program will be able to order a special limited edition Harry Potter Book Sense gift card and coordinating presenter, which have been created in cooperation with Scholastic, Inc., the U.S. publisher of J.K. Rowling's record-breaking Harry Potter series.

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30 Mar

Announcing the 2005 - 2006 Reading Group Book Sense Picks

Stores with Book Sense will be receiving the 2005 - 2006 Reading Group Book Sense Picks in the April Red Box mailing, but the full list, with bookseller quotes, can be previewed online at

This is the third year that Book Sense has produced a Reading Group list, which was initiated at the suggestion of independent booksellers in the Book Sense program.

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30 Mar

Queen Anne Holds Court in Seattle

Queen Anne Books

Interior view

Interior showing lighting.

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30 Mar

The Book Sense Investing & Personal Finance Bestseller List

For the eight-week sales period ending March 27, 2005, and based on reporting from hundreds of independent bookstores across the U.S.

Past Category Bestseller lists are available at

Attention Media: Please contact Meg Smith at [email protected] for reprint guidelines for your newspaper or magazine.

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29 Mar

World Champion Red Sox Dominate Again

Yet another opening day of the baseball season is at hand, and with it, BTW's annual look at baseball books.

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24 Mar

ABA to Booksellers: Board Ballots to Mail Early Next Week

Early next week, ABA will mail to bookstore members an envelope containing ballots to approve officers and elect directors to the ABA Board, as well as the brochure, "ABA Convention Programming at BookExpo America."

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24 Mar

Green Press Initiative: It's Better Being Green

You still may not be able to judge a book by its cover, but you can discover certain things about a publisher's priorities and philosophy regarding the environment and conservation by checking the contents of a book's paper stock. Over the past few years, environmentalists, publishers, paper mills, authors, and printers -- both in Canada and the U.S. -- have attempted to mitigate the damaging environmental impact of book publishing and to raise the environmental standards without diminishing the quality of the books.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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