In the April Red Box...

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The Red Box is filled with items of interest and import for you and your business this month:

    As ABA COO Oren Teicher states in his cover letter, "We have entered the final phase of the fight to restore the privacy protections of bookstore and library records that were eliminated by the USA PATRIOT Act.... Once again, ABA is joining with our allies in the Campaign for Reader Privacy to battle for amendments to Section 215."
    In this month's Box you'll find a redesigned petition and bookmarks to share with your customers, both asking the question "Is Someone Reading Over Your Shoulder?" There's also a helpful Q&A sheet that can be posted with the petition pad to explain why it is imperative that your customers sign again this year.
    Please note that the petition can also be downloaded at and can also be signed online at
    If you need additional quantities of bookmarks, please contact me at [email protected].
    Our sincere thanks for your continued efforts with us in this important battle!

  • The May Book Sense Picks fliers

  • The 2005-2006 Reading Group Recommendations fliers
    As always, if you need additional quantities of either of these fliers, please contact me.

  • The updated Book Sense Bookstore Directory

  • An offer and sample issue from our Tarrytown neighbors The Waterkeeper Alliance as they launch Waterkeeper Magazine

  • Catalogs, bookmarks, excerpt booklets, and more from:
     * Gibbs-Smith
     * St. Martin's Press
     * Wizards of the Coast
     * Unbridled Books
     * Collins, a division of HarperCollins Publishers!

  • Shelf-talkers, new title announcements, special offers, newsletters, and more from:
     * Random House
     * HarperCollins
     * Storey Publishing
     * Hampton Roads
     * Algonquin
     * Tor/Forge
     * Other Press
     * Dearborn
     * Levenger Press
     * Tara Publishing, distributed by Consortium
     * Cypress House
     * TCP Press
     * The Book Standard
     * AAP, announcing the Second Annual Latino Books Month, May 2005. If you'd like more information or to request a Latino Books Month Resource Kit, please contact Kathryn Blough at AAP, [email protected] or phone (212) 255-0200, ext. 263.

Until next month,


Mark Nichols
Director, Book Sense Marketing
[email protected]
