Store Gift Card Checkout Pane

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IndieLite stores can now use the Store Gift Card pane on their site to collect Store Gift Card information.  This is a custom pane that can be used on the checkout page for customers to enter their gift card number, rather than the number being entered into the order comments, making it easier to keep track of information.  Please keep in mind that all gift card processing and redemption will need to occur in-store.

To request this feature, head to Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features or send an email to [email protected].

Once this pane has been enabled, you’ll see a new checkout pane under Store > Configuration > Checkout called ‘Store Gift Card pane’.  

There’s some simple steps to configure this pane to be available for customers to enter their store gift card number.  

We recommend placing this pane above the Payment method pane to allow customers to enter their store gift card information before their credit card.  However, if you want to place it after the Payment method pane, we have a few suggestions on additional information to include in the Store Gift Card pane.  

Please note: only the Store Gift Card pane should be moved in the pane overview.


  1. Under Store > Configuration > Checkout, under the main list of available panes, you can use the four-pointed arrows to click-and-drag the Store Gift Card pane to the location of your choosing.  This pane can, for now, remain disabled (empty check box) until the additional changes below have been made.

  2. Next, click on the pane name on the left hand side of the screen to go to the settings for the Store Gift Card pane.

  1. Next, customize the text you’d like customers to see at checkout.  By default, this pane is pre-filled but each field can be changed as needed.   Be sure to save the configuration at the bottom of the page.

    1. For stores that want to have this pane below the Payment method pane, please be sure to include clarifying language for customers.  You may wish to include something such as:

      ‘If you have a store gift card, please add the gift card number here.  If your gift card has an available balance, we will use that first and charge the remainder of the order (if any) using the payment method provided above.’

  1. Finally, after saving any changes, you can check the box next to the Store Gift Card pane, and then click ‘Save configuration’.  The pane will now appear in the checkout flow for customers to use!

  2. Lastly, at checkout, the pane will display similar to the example below:


Orders with store gift card information will have an additional pane alongside the customer and payment information that contains the gift card number.  Store gift cards are not automatically redeemed during checkout. Stores are responsible for checking the balance and redeeming the card manually, at the store.

When you’re processing an order with a gift card as payment, you’ll need to determine the amount of the gift card, apply it to the order, using the “Payments” tab at the top, right of the order (select “Gift Card” as the Method, enter the amount of the gift card, and click “Enter”). If there is a remaining balance, it will be automatically charged to the credit card when marked as “Payment Received”. 

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