
20 Aug
IndieCommunication Logo

IndieCommunication: Fall Trade Show One-on-Ones, Podcast Marketing Discussion

The latest IndieCommunication e-newsletter features sign-up links to meet with IndieCommerce staff this fall, plus news about a marketing roundtable on podcasting.

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02 Aug
IndieCommerce Sample Site

IndieCommunication: New Website Themes, New Affinity Partnership

The latest IndieCommunication e-newsletter features news about updated themes for IndieCommerce sites and ABA’s partnership with Eventbrite.

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31 Jul

Recent ABA Virtual Marketing Roundtable Focuses on Affiliate Marketing

Booksellers at last week’s marketing roundtable discussed what affiliate marketing is and how they can use it to their advantage.

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23 Jul

IndieCommunication: New Mobile-Responsive Themes, Upcoming Webinar, New Calendar Features, and More

The July 19 IndieCommunication e-newsletter from the IndieCommerce team includes information about new mobile-friendly themes, an upcoming webinar on making the most of your website’s book data, and new IndieCommerce calendar features.


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17 Jul
IndieCommerce logo on computer screen

IndieCommerce to Offer Webinar on “Making the Most of Book Data on Your Website”

The August 2 webinar will instruct attendees how to sell non-book inventory online, interpret admin-only data, adjust the search algorithm, and more.

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11 Jul

Catch Up on IndieCommerce Webinars Now

The IndieCommerce and IndieLite Webinar Centers offer valuable information across a range of topics, such as mobile-optimized and responsive websites, Google Analytics for e-commerce, and more.

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06 Jul
Shopping cart on top of keyboard key labeled "IndieCommerce."

IndieCommunication: New Affinity Partner, Wish List Features, and Fulfillment Options

The July 6 IndieCommunication e-newsletter includes information about ABA’s new partnership with Eventbrite, wish list upgrades, and an update about consumer-direct fulfillment from Ingram.

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11 Jun
IndieCommunication Logo

IndieCommunication: Order Processing Webinar for IndieLite Sites

The latest IndieCommunication e-newsletter featured news about a webinar on order processing plus reminders about going mobile-friendly, reviews on IndieCommerce and IndieLite sites, and signing up for one-on-ones at Children’s Institute.

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05 Jun
Shopping via phone

IndieCommerce Webinar: Order Processing for IndieLite sites

Booksellers can register now for the IndieCommerce team’s upcoming webinar on order processing on IndieLite sites, which will take place at 2:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 14.

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04 Jun

Explore E-Commerce Options at Children’s Institute With the IndieCommerce Team

IndieCommerce staff will be on hand at the upcoming Children’s Institute in New Orleans to talk about ABA’s e-commerce services.

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29 May
Stack of books

IndieCommunication: Book Reviews Coming to IndieCommerce & IndieLite

In this issue of IndieCommunication, learn about a new book review initiative, GDPR compliance, and two new features for IndieCommerce sites.

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23 May
Book Marks Review System

Book Reviews Coming to Indie Bookstore Websites

The American Booksellers Association is partnering with Literary Hub’s Book Marks to bring professional reviews to book pages on IndieBound and IndieCommerce sites.

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15 May
IndieCommerce logo

IndieCommunication: Join the IndieCommerce Team at BookExpo

Booksellers are invited to participate in a roundtable discussion about e-commerce marketing tips and tactics, or to schedule a one-on-one session with staff to discuss e-commerce options.

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08 May

IndieCommerce Webinar: “Quick Start” Setup for Google Analytics, My Business, and Search Console

On May 10, the IndieCommerce team will lead a webinar aimed at helping booksellers unravel the mystery of how online customers find their website.

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01 May

Meet With the IndieCommerce Team at BookExpo, Children’s Institute

Booksellers can sign up now for one-on-one meetings with IndieCommerce staff at BookExpo 2018 in New York City or the upcoming Children’s Institute in New Orleans.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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