BTW Articles

31 Oct

Booksellers Get Spooky on Social Media for Halloween

Booksellers are celebrating Halloween 2018 with creative book displays, themed window decorations, and festive events.

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30 Oct

Special Publisher Terms for Indies First Make a Difference, Booksellers Say

In a business with small profit margins, said Jeanne Costello of Maria’s Bookshop, using publishers’ special terms for Indies First “can make the difference that puts you in the black.”

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30 Oct

Now on BookWeb: ABA Webinar on ADA Compliance

ABA’s new webinar “Web Accessibility and Your IndieCommerce Site” features tips booksellers can use to apply Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines to their IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites.

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23 Oct

After Hurricane Michael, Midtown Reader to Collect for Damaged School Libraries

Midtown Reader in Tallahassee, Florida, has launched “Re-book to Re-build,” an effort to raise money to rebuild several school libraries in the Florida Panhandle that were destroyed in the storm.

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23 Oct

This Indies First, Take Advantage of Special Terms From More Than 35 Publishers

When indie bookstores join together to participate in programs like Indies First, said ABA President Robert Sindelar, “we have the opportunity to remind our publishing partners of our collective muscle.”

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24 Oct

Now on BookWeb: Short Demo on Navigating the New BookScan

NPD Book President Jonathan Stolper showed booksellers how to use NPD’s new DecisionKey® platform in this 30-minute demonstration.

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24 Oct
Scribe cover

A Q&A With Alyson Hagy, Author of November’s #1 Indie Next List Pick

Sarah Crossland of New Dominion Bookshop said Hagy’s post-apocalyptic saga Scribe “finds the perfect alchemy between Cold Mountain and The Leftovers.”

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24 Oct
Wi14 logo

Responses Due Today for 2019 Winter Institute Education Survey

The survey, which was e-mailed to booksellers last week, will help ABA gauge interest in education sessions being planned for the event in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this coming January.

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16 Oct

Sign Up for ABA’s Webinar on ADA Compliance for IndieCommerce, IndieLite Websites

In a new ABA webinar on Americans With Disabilities Act website compliance, booksellers will learn how to apply federal Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to their websites.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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