Independent Bookstore Day 2024 Sees Record Interest

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To get some insight into the growth of Independent Bookstore Day, we used Google Trends to measure worldwide interest in the term “Independent Bookstore Day” via Google searches between March 1, 2020 and April 27, 2024.

Each of the spikes in the table below represent that year’s Independent Bookstore Day. As the data indicates there has been steady growth in the popularity of the search term since 2020. This year, worldwide searches for the term “Independent Bookstore Day” increased by 7% from 2023.


The spikes in the graph indicate search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given time period. The value of 100 on April 21–27  is the peak popularity recorded for that term. A value of 50 would mean that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 (the baseline) means there was not enough data for this term at that time. 2024 had the highest number of Google searches for “Independent Bookstore Day” ever recorded.
We’re looking forward to next year. Independent Bookstore Day 2025 will be Saturday, April 26!