
25 Jun

The Google Book Search Settlement: An Overview

In 2004, Google announced that it had entered into agreements with the New York Public Library and the libraries of Harvard, Stanford, the University of Michigan, and the University of Oxford to digitize books in their collections to form a searchable electronic database that would allow users to see snippets or a few lines from the scanned books.

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23 Apr

IndieBound for iPhone Gets Great Reception

Reaction to the IndieBound application for iPhone and iPod Touch, released Monday, has been overwhelming, with hundreds of downloads and many positive reviews.

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20 Apr

IndieBound for iPhone Brings Independent Bookselling Into Mobile Universe

With the launch of the IndieBound app for iPhone on Monday, April 20, independent booksellers are boldly going where they've never gone before: the rapidly growing realm of mobile applications.

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31 Mar

eCatalogs: Sign Up for a Testdrive

Edelweiss, an online, interactive catalog system developed by Above the Treeline, will be available free to booksellers and other industry catalog users for the fall selling season. Booksellers interested in learning more about the system, whose list of participating publishers is at 13-plus and growing, can sign up now for a WebEx demonstration. Above the Treeline staff will also be demonstrating the product at BookExpo America this May and at all of the fall regional shows.

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26 Mar

eCatalogs to Launch via Edelweiss for Fall Season

eCatalogs will soon be a reality that booksellers can't ignore.

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12 Mar

Opportunities in the Digital Arena for Independent Bookstores: An Action Plan for the American Booksellers Association

Presented to the ABA Board of Directors at its March 2009 Meeting

By Len Vlahos, ABA Chief Program Officer


In 1978 Douglas Adams envisioned a slim electronic folio that contained all the useful knowledge of all the people on all the planets in the universe. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as Adams imagined it, would let you carry in your pocket a device that functioned like an amalgam of Google and an e-book. And while he was trying to be funny, Adams, it turns out, was prescient.

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04 Mar

Publishers Collaborate on Ongoing Edelweiss Field Tests

On Tuesday, March 3, representatives from Above the Treeline, nine publishers, Ingram Book Group, and the American Booksellers Association met at Random House's New York City offices for discussions about ongoing field tests of Edelweiss, Treeline's online, interactive catalog product. About 30 booksellers are currently testing the product, which was developed with input from ABA, independent retailers, and publishers.

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18 Feb

Show, Don't Tell: Video Marketing for Bookstores

Booksellers who missed the popular ABA Winter Institute program "Using Multimedia to Market Your Store" -- which Tova Beiser of Brown University Bookstore described as full of ideas that "seem really cool and worth doing" -- can find something of a recap in a downloadable PDF create

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10 Dec

Flocking to Twitter

One of the fastest growing services on the Web is a paragon of pith, and is playing an increasingly important role for businesses of all sizes.

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26 Nov

Facebook Fan Drive Spreads the IndieBound Message

The IndieBound movement is growing ... in bookstores and other independent retailers nationwide, online at, and now on the social networking site Facebook.

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30 Oct

Above the Treeline to Test New Online, Interactive Catalog Product

Above the Treeline announced today that on November 1 it would begin field-testing Edelweiss, a new online, interactive catalog product. The test will include publishers and booksellers and will last for six months, at which time the company plans to release the next version of the application for wider rollout.

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07 Aug

Booksellers Print-to-Order Publishing Program Agreement, FAQ Now Online

Booksellers interested in participating in, or learning more about, the Booksellers Print-to-Order (PTO) Publishing Program, launched by the American Booksellers Association and Applewood Books in July, can now find answers to frequently asked questions as well as a letter of agreement on

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17 Jul

New ABA Partnership to Provide Booksellers Access to POD

This week, the American Booksellers Association announced a partnership with Applewood Books that will enable ABA member booksellers to publish out-of-print books on demand. The new program will provide participating booksellers with the ability to publish any title that is in the public domain or any book, such as a local interest title, whose rights have reverted to the author and to sell it at margins from 50 to 75 percent.

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08 Jul

WiFi Hotspots Draw Right Demographic to Independent Bookstores

The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that 62 percent of American adults have either accessed the Internet wirelessly or have used hand-held devices for such applications as texting and e-mail, which is not surprising given that of the estimated 150 million laptops sold in 2007 most have wireless capabilities. And, soon, mobile computer users will be checking e-mail and surfing the web wirelessly during American Airline flights and, in 2009, in Chrysler cars and trucks.

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14 May

Online Sales Catalogs to Be Subject of Discussion at BEA

This week, HarperCollins Publishers announced plans to introduce an interactive, online sales catalog that would offer up-to-date title information, including jackets, add-ons, and author interviews, while reducing the publishers' paper output and overall carbon footprint. HarperCollins will preview the catalog at BookExpo America and expects to launch a beta version in six to 12 months.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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