Scam Alert

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It’s come to our attention that scammers are using the names, logos, and information of independent bookstores to scam self-published authors. 

The author is contacted and told there is a large order from an independent bookstore for their book. Details of each scam vary — they may pose as a bookstore, as ABA, or even a literary agent. They have contacted authors via email, social media, and even by phone. In each case they claim to have an order for thousands of books and need money from the author to move the deal forward.

ABA has brought these scams to the attention of authorities and author organizations. Unfortunately, in many cases the scammers get away with it because the victim is too embarrassed to file a complaint, authorities may prioritize larger scams, and/or the scammers change their details before they can be tracked down.  

If you are a bookstore or author who has been approached about this scam, please take these steps: