
15 Aug

Workshop to Focus on Essentials for Prospective Booksellers

"Opening a Bookstore: The Business Essentials," a weeklong workshop for those interested in opening, buying, or investing in a bookstore, will be held from October 3 - 9 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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15 Aug

Help Wanted: Bookseller Input Sought for 2007 Education Programming

The owners and staff of all American Bookseller Association member stores can help formulate the association's 2007 education program through participation in the 2006 ABA Education Survey. Member survey responses are being compiled to provide guidance to the bookseller volunteers on ABA's Education Task Force who will convene this fall to plan the association's 2007 education offerings.

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03 Aug

Education Survey to Help Shape Future Programs

The American Booksellers Association is asking the owners and staff of all member stores to participate in its 2006 Education Survey. The results of the survey will provide guidance to the bookseller volunteers on ABA's Education Task Force as they begin formulating plans for the association's 2007 education offerings.

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12 Jul

Now Live From BEA ... ABA Education Programs

In May, the American Booksellers Association launched "ABA Education Programs Online," a new benefit that provides member booksellers with access to streaming video of select ABA education programming through the association's trade website, Booksellers who have used the videos describe them as a highly effective and affordable way to bring educational programming to all staff members.

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07 Jun

Killer Events Knock 'em Dead

Booksellers attending the panel on "Creating Killer Events" on Thursday, May 18, at BookExpo America heard from experienced booksellers about the importance of making an independent bookstore the community center for great author (and "authorless") events, to sell books, to garner free publicity, and to strengthen ties with customers and other key community institutions.

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25 May

ABA Launches Videos of Educational Programs Online

This week, ABA announced the launch of "ABA Education Programs Online," a new benefit that provides ABA members with access to streaming video of ABA educational programming. By simply clicking on the "Professional Development" link on the BookWeb homepage, members can access ABA education programs, including "The 2% Solution," complete with videotaped presenters and PowerPoint slides.

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25 May

Booksellers Offer Advice About Effective E-Newsletters

"Creating Effective E-Newsletters," part of the American Booksellers Association's Thursday Day of Education at BookExpo America, covered everything from creating a template for a store's first e-newsletter to advertising author events and livening up stale newsletters with promises of "free monkeys." More than 50 booksellers attended the late-afternoon session featuring panelists Kelly Justice of Fountain Bookstore in Richmond, Virginia, and Margie Scott Tucker of Books

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23 Feb

Preparing for ISBN-13

On January 1, 2007, the length of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) will officially change from 10 to 13 digits; however, preparations for the switch, which affects the entire book industry, are underway.

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16 Feb

Business Forms, Photos Now Shared on Idea Exchange

ABA member booksellers can now take advantage of an upload (and download) function in two of BookWeb's Idea Exchange forums. The enhancement is enabled in the Education Forum to allow booksellers to share ideas, best business practices, forms, lists, and other resource materials that may exist in different formats.

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07 Feb

The Gift Experience

By Lance Fensterman

When was the last time you stood refueling your car and didn't see, essentially, a convenience store inside the gas station? Have you been to a movie theatre recently that had no concession stand? Did you know that Best Buy is now opening stores where you can get a pedicure and buy organic healthcare products while you learn about the latest iPod innovations?

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07 Feb

ARCs: How to Handle Too Much of a Good Thing

While most booksellers would agree that Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) are a useful and necessary tool for gauging the sales potential for all kinds of books, sometimes galleys can pile up in the stock room in a hurry. Since booksellers can't read them all, nor keep them all, Bookselling This Week decided to ask a few publishers and booksellers for their tips about what to do with ARCs once bookstores are finished with them.

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27 Jan

Live From Long Beach -- ABA Winter Institute, Day 2

More than 130 booksellers answered an early wake-up call for the American Booksellers Association Winter Institute's 7:15 a.m. "What Are You Reading?" Breakfast. Patterned after the popular ABA lunchtime event at BookExpo America, the breakfast was an opportunity for many of the approximately 360 booksellers gathered in Long Beach for ABA's two-day education program to network and to share with colleagues some of the titles they are excited about.

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14 Dec

Enhancement Allows Uploading of Files to BookWeb's Education Forum

ABA member booksellers may now share Word files, PDFs, and other documents relating to professional development through a simple upload process on BookWeb's Idea Exchange Education Forum. ABA has enabled this function to allow booksellers to share ideas, best business practices, forms, lists, and other resource materials that may exist in different formats.

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17 Nov

Twenty-three Winter Institute Scholarship Winners Announced

Twenty-two lucky booksellers were recently informed that they were the recipients of publisher-sponsored scholarships to the American Booksellers Association's first annual Winter Institute. In addition, ABA announced the winner of its Emerging Leader Scholarship, awarded to a bookseller who has been in the business for less than two years and who shows a commitment to furthering the success of independent bookselling.

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10 Nov

California Dreaming: Scholarships A-Plenty for Winter Institute

The American Booksellers Association's first annual Winter Institute, to be held on January 26 and 27, 2006, in Long Beach, California, is gearing up to be a winter wonderland of excellent educational programs and networking for attending booksellers. The weekend in California is certain to prove even more rewarding for booksellers who have won scholarships to the Winter Institute.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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