
19 Nov

December “Counterspeak” Episode to Feature Author David Kirby

When They Come for You: How Police and Government Are Trampling Our Liberties — and How to Take Them Back explores how federal, state, and local governments have violated Americans’ fundamental constitutional rights.

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13 Nov
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D.C. Council Holds Public Hearing on Small Business Financial Assistance

The D.C. Council’s Committee heard testimony from small business owners and small business advocates who spoke to issues including the rising cost of rent and property taxes, the lack of small commercial spaces available for small businesses, and consumers’ shift to large chain retailors and online shopping.

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06 Nov
A Warning cover

ABFE Responds to Trump Administration Warning to Hachette

"We firmly support Hachette in publishing A Warning, written by an anonymous senior official in the Trump administration. The right of someone to publish under a pseudonym or anonymously is crucial in any free and democratic society,” said David Grogan, director of the American Booksellers for Free Expression.

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05 Nov

Raven Book Store Owner Publishes “How to Resist Amazon and Why”

The 16-page zine features Caine’s October 2019 letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, a review of the case against Amazon, a compilation of Raven’s Twitter advocacy, and more.

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05 Nov

Ohio State Senate Holds Antitrust Hearings

The Ohio State Senate Judiciary Committee held two hearings in October to discuss updating the state’s antitrust law. The hearings featured prominent antitrust advocates and experts, including Barry Lynn of Open Markets Institute and David Chavern of News Media Alliance.

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31 Oct
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Sign Up for ABA’s Winter Institute Antitrust Symposium in Washington, D.C.

Registration for the Antitrust Symposium, to be held January 21, sold out within 24 hours; based on the high demand, ABA is growing the program so more booksellers can attend.

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29 Oct
Molly Bond

Introducing Molly Bond, ABA’s New Advocacy and Public Policy Coordinator

Said Bond, “Indie bookstores are so important to the American way of life. Indie bookstores create a sense of community in towns and cities in a way that large corporations cannot.”

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23 Oct

ABFE Again Urges the CECC to Work to Release Bookseller in Chinese Detention

In its most recent letter, the American Booksellers for Free Expression asked the Congressional-Executive Commission on China for renewed assistance in liberating bookseller Gui Minhai and offered its help as the process moves forward.

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22 Oct
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ABA Calls on State Attorneys General to Open Antitrust Investigation Into Amazon

In a comprehensive 22-page letter, ABA makes the case as to why Amazon is a burgeoning monopoly and provides a detailed review of Amazon’s anticompetitive conduct.

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15 Oct
A Banned Books Week display at Avid Bookshop

Booksellers Celebrate Banned Books Week 2019

Banned Books Week served as an opportunity for booksellers to spread awareness about the dangers of censorship through both in-store visual depictions and social media campaigns.

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09 Oct
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Join ABA’s Advocacy Team at the Antitrust Symposium in Washington, D.C., During Wi15

Booksellers should mark their calendars for Tuesday, January 21, when ABA will present an Antitrust Symposium in D.C. in conjunction with the 2020 Winter Institute in Baltimore.

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02 Oct
Counterspeak podcast cover art

New “Counterspeak” Episode Out Now

This installment features a wrap-up of Banned Books Week as well as an exploration of the impact big technology companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have on free speech.

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25 Sep
Edward Snowden's "Permanent Record" book jacket

ABFE Responds to DOJ Suit to Seize Proceeds From Snowden Memoir

The U.S. government seeks to recover all proceeds earned by Snowden because of his failure to submit his memoir, Permanent Record, for pre-publication review. 

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24 Sep

Indie Bookstores Mark Banned Books Week on Social Media

Indie booksellers are celebrating Banned Books Week, an annual event that serves as an opportunity for advocates to explain why it is important to preserve everyone’s right to read and view what they want.

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17 Sep
Counterspeak podcast cover art

Special Banned Books Week “Counterspeak” Edition Drops September 19

During Banned Books Week, Penguin Random House will donate $1 to the American Booksellers for Free Expression for every book purchased and logged through the publisher’s Reader Rewards program.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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