
10 Jun

ABA Joins Amicus Brief in Gibson Bros v. Oberlin

The brief addresses concern that the verdict in this case could set a precedent under which those who disseminate others’ speech risk defamation liability.

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10 Jun

ABFE Signs Statement Supporting Free Press in a Time of Crisis

“It is important to recognize the courage of the journalists who are under attack as they cover the national protest against police violence and racial inequality,” the letter states.

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03 Jun

House Withdraws FISA Bill, Sends to Conference Committee

The move to conference committee came after House Democrats withdrew the bill due to opposition in the House and the threat of a veto from President Trump. Opponents argued the bill did not make significant reforms to warrantless surveillance.

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03 Jun
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Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting Social Media Companies

The executive order came two days after Twitter placed fact-checks on two of Trump’s tweets about mail-in ballots.

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03 Jun

ABA Joins Organizations in Calling for Jeff Bezos to Testify in Front of House Judiciary Committee

The group’s letter comes as Amazon recently said the company would not send Bezos, but rather “the appropriate executive,” to testify in front of the committee. 

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27 May

ABFE Signs Letters in Support of PATRIOT Act Reforms

A privacy amendment prohibits the use of Section 215 for warrantless surveillance of people’s internet search and browsing history. 

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27 May

Alaska School Board Votes to Rescind Book Removal

The board meeting drew members of the community protesting outside and holding signs saying, “I read banned books.”

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27 May
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ABA Board Member Chris Morrow Speaks at House Small Business Committee Forum about Business Interruption Coverage

“My claims for both stores were rejected, citing language in the policies. There were virus exclusions and the need for physical harm to the buildings,” said Morrow, who filed claims with two different insurers as a result of COVID-19.

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27 May

Paycheck Protection Program: Quick Update on Payroll Costs, New MBAs Fight COVID Initiative

As long as an employee’s total compensation is less than $100,000 annually, bonuses and hazard pay are eligible for loan forgiveness because they are considered a supplement to salary or wages.

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20 May

Additional Loan and Grant Options Available for Small Businesses

Here is an overview of additional loan and grant opportunities beyond the Economic Injury Disaster Loans/Grants and the Paycheck Protection Program loans.

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13 May
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Privacy and Free Speech During COVID-19

Government attempts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and public fears stemming from COVID-19 have the potential to impact privacy rights. 

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06 May
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House Judiciary Committee Calls on Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos to Testify

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon used sensitive business information from individual third-party sellers on its platform to inform the development of Amazon’s own competing products. 

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06 May

Free Speech Groups Condemn Alaska School Board’s Book Ban

The National Coalition Against Censorship called the school board’s decision “educationally misguided, disrespectful of teachers’ educational competence, and legally questionable.”

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29 Apr

Early Social Security Disbursement: An FAQ

ABA has heard from members who are struggling financially, including those who are near retirement age (between the ages of 62 and 70) and considering how early Social Security retirement benefits might play a role in easing current financial uncertainty.

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29 Apr
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ABA Joins National Retail Federation in Calling for Pandemic Risk Insurance Program

The act would “mandate that businesses who could demonstrate significant business interruption and sharp decline in present and future revenue would be insured, through a pre-funded risk pool, in the case of a pandemic or epidemic.” 

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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