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“Banned Books Week in a Box” Promotion Is a Hit

Booksellers have responded enthusiastically to the “Banned Books Week in a Box” promotion launched last month by the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) and the Ingram Content Group. Within days of the start of the promotion, booksellers who placed a qualifying order had snapped up all of the promotional kits that contained the ingredients for creating a display for Banned Books Week (September 22 - 28, 2013).
“We were delighted by the response and hope that booksellers will continue to take advantage of the additional discount that Ingram is providing on a large list of banned and challenged books,” ABFFE President Chris Finan said.
Booksellers can view the list of 200 titles on Ingram’s ipage®. Minimum orders of 20 or more books entitle purchasers to an additional three percent discount on initial and subsequent orders. The promotion ends September 30, 2013. For more information, contact ABFFE at [email protected], your Ingram Sales Representative, or Ingram Customer Care at (800) 937-8000.
Although the original promotional package is no longer available, ABFFE is now offering a kit that includes 200 bookmarks, 30 buttons, 100 “I Read Banned Books” lapel stickers, 10 bumper stickers, 30 feet of “caution” tape, and one of ABFFE’s popular Freadom T-shirts. The $25 kit includes free shipping. Ordering is through the ABFFE website.