Women in Translation Month

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August is Women in Translation Month, an opportunity to recognize the imbalance in our reading and seek out books written by women from around the world. Women in Translation Month was founded in 2014 by Meytal Radzinski and has since become a widely recognized movement. The majority of books that are translated are from European countries, and are written by men. Not only is Women in Translation dedicated to bringing attention to these disparities, the movement is intersectional (intentionally including transgender, nonbinary, and intersex individuals). 

We’ve collected a list of frontlist titles that you may be interested in reading or displaying in celebration of Women in Translation.


The Invisible Elephant by Anna Anisimova, Yulia Sidneva (Illus.)
Translated from Russian (Russia) by Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp

The Amazing and True Story of Tooth Mouse Pérez by Ana Cristina Herreros, Violeta Lópiz (Illus.)
Translated from Spanish (Spain) by Sara Lissa Paulson


The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende
Translated from Spanish (Chile) by Frances Riddle

The Forest Brims Over by Maru Ayase
Translated from Japanese (Japan) by Haydn Trowell

We Are Light by Gerda Blees
Translated from Dutch (Netherlands) by Michele Hutchison

Mr Katō Plays Family by Milena Michiko Flašar
Translated from German (Austria) by Caroline Froh

The Details by Ia Genberg
Translated from Swedish (Sweden) by Kira Josefsson

Can't I Go Instead by Lee Geum-yi
Translated from Korean (South Korea) by An Seonjae

Of Cattle and Men by Ana Paula Maia
Translated from Portugese (Brazil) by Zoë Perry

Honeybees and Distant Thunder by Riku Onda
Translated from Japanese (Japan) by Philip Gabriel

Ada's Room by Sharon Dodua Otoo
Translated from German (Germany) by Jon Cho-Polizzi

Fowl Eulogies by Lucie Rico
Translated from French (France) Daria Chernysheva

Hospital by Sanya Rushdi
Translated from Bengali (Bangladesh) by Arunava Sinha

Where I Am by Dana Shem-Ur
Translated from Hebrew (Israel) by Yardenne Greenspan

Tomb of Sand by Geetanjali Shree
Translated from Hindi (India) by Daisy Rockwell

Owlish by Dorothy Tse
Translated from Chinese (Hong Kong) by Natascha Bruce

To the Lake by Yana Vagner
Translated from Russian (Russia) by Maria Wiltshire

Short Stories:

Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird by Agustina Bazterrica
Translated from Spanish (Argentina) by Sarah Moses

This Is Not Miami by Fernanda Melchor
Translated from Spanish (Mexico) by Sophie Hughes

Evil Flowers by Gunnhild Øyehaug
Translated from Norwegian (Norway) by Kari Dickson


Banzeiro Òkòtó: The Amazon as the Center of the World by Eliane Brum
Translated from Portugese (Brazil) by Diane Whitty

Written on Water by Eileen Chang
Essays, Translated from Chinese (China) by Andrew F. Jones

The Illiterate by Ágota Kristóf
Translated from French (Hungary) by Nina Bogin

Ukraine, War, Love: A Donetsk Diary by Olena Stiazhkina
Translated from Russian (Ukraine) by Anne O. Fisher


The Law of Conservation by Mariana Spada
Translated from Spanish (Argentina) by Robin Myers

Something Evergreen Called Life by Rania Mamoun
Translated from Arabic (Sudan) by Yasmine Seale

Herostories by Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir
Translated from Icelandic (Iceland) by K. B. Thors