New Book Sense - Recorded Books Audio Series Now Available

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The new Book Sense Audio Series, a partnership of the American Booksellers Association and Recorded Books, LLC, is now available for ordering by ABA member stores. A description of the initial 10 titles in the series of classic and contemporary literature, reproductions of the Book Sense packaging, and order forms are now available on (To download the PDF file, click here.)

Each book in the series includes promotional messages at the beginning and end, encouraging listeners to return to the store for additional titles. Recorded Books Unabridged is providing all books in the series to booksellers for $9 each, with a $19.99 retail price. (No additional discount applies on these cooperative program titles.) Special terms are currently available -- all titles in this program are returnable; no shipping will be charged on full cases [20 per box]; and full cases may include mixed titles. Orders will be filled immediately and promotional materials are available.

The initial 10 titles in the series are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Odyssey, The Iliad, Call of the Wild/White Fang, Bee Season, Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight, 1984/Animal Farm, A Tale of Two Cities, The Great Gatsby, and Pride and Prejudice.

For more information about the Book Sense Audio Series, click here. To learn more about the series at BookExpo America, visit Recorded Books at Booth 4058 and the American Booksellers Association at Booth 2921.
