The Mount Invites Booksellers to Celebrate Edith Wharton

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January 24, 2012 marks American writer Edith Wharton’s 150th birthday. The Mount, Edith Wharton’s restored estate in Lenox, Massachusetts, which serves as a center for culture inspired by the author’s passions and achievements, will be celebrating with events throughout the year, and it is hoping bookstores around the country will do the same.

“After all these years, Edith Wharton and her writings still have a major impact on our culture,” said Rebecka B. McDougall, marketing and communications director at The Mount. “The influence of her work is evident in the literary world, Hollywood, and throughout the Internet. Whether it is a reference crafted by journalists, devoted fans, or bloggers, one truth is clear: 150 years after her birth, the words and works of Edith Wharton continue to inspire and entertain. Please help us celebrate this remarkable woman.”

The Mount is encouraging booksellers to mark January 24 as Edith Wharton Day and to celebrate her in stores through displays, film screenings, readings, and conversation. A list of several film adaptations of Wharton's work can be found here. The Mount itself will celebrate on January 24 with a screening of The Old Maid, starring Bette Davis, and a reading from Wharton’s autobiography, A Backwards Glance.

Bookstores can promote the day on Facebook, by liking The Mount, friending Edith Wharton, and attending the Facebook event, “Edith Wharton Day at Bookstores.” Booksellers who have questions or would like to share their celebration ideas can contact McDougall. If enough booksellers express interest, The Mount will create bookmarks celebrating Wharton’s birthday.