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Letter from Board President Tegan Tigani

Dear Booksellers,
Presidential primaries; state legislative sessions; city council, school board, and other local governmental agency meetings are in high gear in many of our communities. I am very grateful to everyone who is actively participating in whatever ways they can.
(If you haven’t seen the Free Expression Friday between ABA’s Philomena and Rediscovered Books’ Laura DeLaney, you can read the transcript on BookWeb.org or watch excerpts on the ABFE Instagram account.) Thank you for being involved and caring parts of our society.
Now, ABA voting members, as your ABA Board President, I have another important request for your active participation: your vote on ABA Bylaws coming up May 23, 2024 through June 21, 2024.
In this BTW edition and on BookWeb.org, the Board proudly presents the proposed Bylaws changes.
We wanted to share this information with you now so you have time to read, reflect, discuss, and vote. We will have our in-person Community Forum at Winter Institute on February 14.
We will also be hosting an online Board Office Hours/ ABA Open House on Friday, April 19.
Please make sure the person designated to vote for your store watches for the ballot coming via email on May 23, 2024. If you are not the designated voter for your store, we still welcome your voice in our conversations leading up to the vote.
Thank you for being engaged members of our organization!
Best wishes,
Tegan Tigani, ABA Board President and Children’s Book Buyer/Bookseller at Queen Anne Book Company in Seattle, WA