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The Indie Poetry Bestseller List

The American Booksellers Association’s specialty bestseller lists provide a current snapshot of what’s selling in indie bookstores nationwide.
Here is the Indie Poetry Bestseller List, based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending January 1, 2023.
1. And Yet: Poems
Kate Baer, Harper Perennial, $17, 9780063115552
2. Devotions
Mary Oliver, Penguin, $20, 9780399563263
3. Musical Tables: Poems
Billy Collins, Random House, $26, 9780399589782
4. Call Us What We Carry: Poems
Amanda Gorman, Viking, $24.99, 9780593465066
5. Time Is a Mother
Ocean Vuong, Penguin Press, $24, 9780593300237
6. The Hurting Kind: Poems
Ada Limón, Milkweed Editions, $24, 9781639550494
7. Home Body
Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, $16.99, 9781449486808
8. Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World
Pádraig Ó. Tuama, Norton, $27.95, 9781324035473
9. The Sun and Her Flowers
Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, $16.99, 9781449486792
10. Weaving Sundown in a Scarlet Light: Fifty Poems for Fifty Years
Joy Harjo, Sandra Cisneros (Foreword), Norton, $25, 9781324036487
11. Dog Songs: Poems
Mary Oliver, Penguin, $16, 9780143125839
12. Milk and Honey
Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, $14.99, 9781449474256
13. A Child’s Christmas in Wales
Dylan Thomas, New Directions, $9.95, 9780811231879
14. The Best American Poetry 2022 (The Best American Poetry series)
David Lehman, Matthew Zapruder (Eds.), Scribner, $20, 9781982186685
15. Clarity & Connection
Yung Pueblo, Andrews McMeel, $16.99, 9781524860486
16. LVOE: Poems, Epigrams & Aphorisms
Atticus, Andrews McMeel, $18.99, 9781524873837
17. The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On
Franny Choi, Ecco, $25.99, 9780063240087
18. The Carrying: Poems
Ada Limón, Milkweed Editions, $16, 9781571315137
19. How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope
James Crews (Ed.), Ross Gay (Foreword), Storey Publishing, $14.95, 9781635863864
20. Love Poems
Pablo Neruda, Donald D. Walsh (Transl.), New Directions, $11.95, 9780811217293
21. The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country
Amanda Gorman, Viking, $15.99, 9780593465271
22. Night Sky with Exit Wounds
Ocean Vuong, Copper Canyon Press, $16, 9781556594953
23. What Kind of Woman: Poems
Kate Baer, Harper Perennial, $17, 9780063008427
24. The Path to Kindness: Poems of Connection and Joy
James Crews (Ed.), Danusha Laméris (Foreword), Storey Publishing, $14.95, 9781635865332
25. Bright Dead Things: Poems
Ada Limón, Milkweed Editions, $16, 9781571314710