Children’s Institute Backlist Book Swap to Showcase Evergreen Favorites

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On Tuesday, June 21, the ABC Children’s Institute will kick off with a Welcome Reception and Backlist Book Swap party, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Wyndham Orlando Resort International.

All Children’s Institute registrants — booksellers, publishers, and guests — are encouraged to bring a copy of their favorite backlist children’s book to swap with colleagues. Titles can include board books, young adult novels, or anything in between, as long as the book is at least five years old and still in print.

Participants are asked to bring a bookmark to share along with their selected book. On the bookmark, the giver will write the book’s title and a blurb about why they selected that book to share, as well as their name, business, and e-mail address or phone number. The recipient of the book will be encouraged to reach out to the giver via phone or e-mail during the reception so participants can make connections on-site and discuss their picks.

Those planning to participate in the Book Swap are also asked to share what book they’ll be bringing with ABA. Following the Children’s Institute, ABA will supply a full list of the books shared at the Backlist Book Swap to members, along with information about who brought each title.

The Children’s Institute Backlist Book Swap is part of a larger ABA initiative to provide members with new opportunities to share, showcase, and support favorite backlist titles.

Last fall, the American Booksellers Association launched the Revisit & Rediscover program, which highlights favorite backlist titles through a regular feature in the monthly Indie Next List and quarterly Kids’ Indie Next List fliers.

The new Indie Next List Years of Discovery campaign celebrating the many years of passionate handselling by ABA member booksellers debuted with the June Indie Next List flier, which features a prominent space on the front page for store branding, three additional “Now in Paperback” titles, and a coupon for a customer sweepstakes.

The campaign also offers booksellers the opportunity to bring an additional bookseller to Winter Institute 12 by creating in-store Indie Next List displays during the months of June, July, August, and September.

Registration for Children’s Institute is now closed. Registrants who are no longer planning to attend Children’s Institute are asked to notify the American Booksellers Association as soon as possible. To cancel an event registration or hotel reservations, or for any questions regarding Children’s Institute, e-mail [email protected].

Ci4 is made possible by the support of lead sponsor Baker & Taylor with additional support from publisher sponsors large and small