Bookseller Relief Fund Stands Ready to Help

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Less than a week after Hurricane Ike, a Category 2 storm, roared into Galveston on its way to the Texas mainland, approximately 30,000 evacuees remain in shelters, perhaps one million residents are still awaiting a return of power, and the region labors to restore needed services and to rebuild.

Responding to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the American Booksellers Association established the Bookseller Relief Fund to help meet the humanitarian needs of booksellers affected by disasters. The association encourages booksellers seeking assistance because of destruction or extended disruption of business to contact David Walker, ABA's industry consultant, at [email protected], or at (202) 332-8052.

In addition, as Bookselling This Week works to cover this story, booksellers who would like to be in contact with one of our writers are encouraged to send an e-mail to ABA Editorial Director Rosemary Hawkins at [email protected].

See this week's update on ABA member stores in the region.