ABA Dues Renewal Notices to Arrive in January

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All ABA member stores should be on the lookout for their 2011 dues renewal notices to arrive in January. Changes instituted by the American Booksellers Association this past summer created a standard dues year (February 1 to January 31) for all members, as well as a more efficient and user-friendly dues structure.

In addition, beginning February 1:

  • The number of, and gross-sales break points for, all dues categories will change, and all stores with gross sales less than $250,000 will see their dues lowered.
  • There will be two new categories of membership – for used bookstores and for new stores/new members – each at a reduced dues level. Bookstores that have never been ABA members and stores that have not been members for two or more years are eligible to join under the new store/new member category.

By now, all member stores should have received a personalized e-mail from their ABA member relationship manager (MRM) that details exactly how the changes will affect the bookstore’s dues and whether the store is entitled to any credits or adjustments for dues paid.

Any member store whose dues for 2010 are currently past due are encouraged to contact their MRM – either Elizabeth Nichols or Kaitlin Pitcher (look up your member relations manager by region) – to bring their account up to date.