
30 Jan

BTW News Briefs

New appointments made to Penguin Random House’s sales team; Two clients join Ingram Publisher Services; Grammy win for Stephen Colbert and Hachette Audio

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29 Jan

ABA Announces 2014 Board Candidates

ABA’s Board of Directors has named three director candidates to stand for election to the Board. Under ABA’s Bylaws, bookstore members may submit  petitions to have additional candidates added to the ballot.

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28 Jan

An Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With Helen Peppe

Helen Peppe is the author of Pigs Can’t Swim, a memoir of childhood by the youngest of nine children in a hardscrabble, beyond-eccentric Maine family. Her debut title has been praised for being outrageous, hilarious, and touching.

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17 Jan

BTW News Briefs

FedEx accepting entries for Small Business Grant Contest; George Coe named B&T president and CEO; Binc Foundation announces new board members

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16 Jan

BTW News Briefs

NBCC awards finalists announced; Holiday sales numbers as predicted; IBM says e-commerce will lose to bricks-and-mortar; S&S to launch Simon 451 imprint; Deadline approaching for NBF’s Innovations in Reading Prize; Macmillan to distribute Guinness World Records; Laurie Muchnick named fiction editor at Kirkus

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16 Jan

An Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With James Scott

James Scott is the author of The Kept, a debut novel about family and retribution, which he hopes will leave readers with a deeper understanding of the characters and empathy for the things they’ve done and had to do.

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15 Jan

Fundraising Effort Underway for Bookstore Owner Scott Meyer

Booksellers, friends, family, and colleagues are coming together to support Scott Meyer, the owner of Merritt Bookstore in Millbrook, New York, as he undergoes treatments for cancer.

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14 Jan

Wi9 Plenary Speaker Dan Heath on Boosting Our Chances of Success by Preparing to Be Wrong

In the fourth in a series of key insights and tips from Decisive, Dan Heath explains how, in order to boost our decision-making success, we need to be humble enough to prepare to be wrong and anticipate and plan for bad outcomes as well as good ones.

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08 Jan

An Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With Bryce Andrews

In his debut title, the memoir Badluck Way: A Year on the Ragged Edge of the West, Bryce Andrews recounts his experience of living and working on a cattle ranch in remote, windswept southwest Montana, where there’s a fragile balance between the tame and the wild.


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30 Dec

Wi9 Plenary Speaker Dan Heath on Reality-Testing Your Assumptions

Dan Heath, the co-author with his brother, Chip, of the bestselling business book Decisive, will be the opening plenary speaker at Winter Institute 2014. Here, he offers booksellers facing decisions a few tips for overcoming “confirmation bias” — the tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs or preferences.

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16 Dec

An Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With Katy Butler

Katy Butler was inspired to write her debut title, Knocking on Heaven’s Door, after seeing her father suffer through a medically prolonged death, and then seeing her mother defy her doctors, refuse open heart surgery, and face death head-on.

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11 Dec

Indies Introduce New Voices Q&A With Tone Almhjell

Tone Almhjell’s debut novel for middle-graders is The Twistrose Key. Here, she talks about being inspired by her Norwegian homeland, favorite authors, and more.

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11 Dec

Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With Mitchell S. Jackson

Mitchell S. Jackson is the author of the autobiographical novel The Residue Years, about coming of age in a black family in Portland, Oregon, in the ’90s and dealing with issues of poverty, drugs, and race.

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04 Dec

Indies Introduce Debut Author Q&A With Tracy Guzeman

Tracy Guzeman talks about the inspiration for her debut  novel, The Gravity of Birds, spine poetry, and more.

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25 Nov

Indies Introduce New Voices Q&A With Amy Christine Parker

YA literature is important, said Amy Christine Parker, author of the debut novel Gated, because if it’s done well, “it depicts teens as they really are ... and makes teens feel known in a way that adult books don’t.”

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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