Industry News

24 Apr

Hear Ye, Hear Ye -- Book Sense Branded Audio Series From Recorded Books

At BookExpo America 2003, Recorded Books, LLC, a premier producer of audiobooks, will launch the Book Sense Audio Series, a joint effort between the American Booksellers Association and Recorded Books. The series of unabridged audiobooks bearing the licensed Book Sense name will be available exclusively to ABA member stores. Ordering information for the initial 10 titles, a combination of contemporary and classic literature, will be included in the May white box mailing to stores with Book Sense. Samples and ordering information will be presented at BEA.

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24 Apr

Borders Pulls Out of Austin Development

On April 23, Borders Books & Music announced that it was pulling out of a proposed Austin, Texas, development situated across the street from two independent retailers, BookPeople and Waterloo Records. The bookstore chain's plans to open a store at Sixth and Lamar in downtown Austin had stirred up strong opposition. Liveable City, a local, nonprofit community organization, commissioned an economic study indicating that local merchants contribute significantly more money to the local economy than do retail chains.

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24 Apr

Federal Judge Orders: Put Harry Back on Library Shelves

On Tuesday, April 22, a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas ruled in favor of two Cedarville, Arkansas, parents, Billy Ray and Mary Nell Counts, who challenged the Cedarville School District's attempt to restrict students' access to the Harry Potter series in school libraries. In March 2003, more than a dozen national groups, including the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE), and author Judy Blume, filed an amicus brief in support of the parents.

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24 Apr

BTW Talks to ABA's Industry Relations Consultant, David Walker

For the past several years, David Walker has worked with ABA in different capacities to help resolve issues regarding trade practices of concern to independent booksellers. Walker recently spoke to BTW about the types of issues he's worked to resolve and the need for booksellers to keep ABA informed of the problems they are encountering.

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23 Apr

Reminder -- Deadline for Submission to ABACUS is April 30!

The deadline for bookstores to contribute data to the ABACUS project is Wednesday, April 30. Instructions and an online form for submitting data are available at Questions about ABACUS should be addressed to ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz at [email protected].

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23 Apr

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Roundup

The June 21 on-sale date of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is now less than two months away, and booksellers who want to make the most of this long-awaited event should take note of the approach of a deadline and two promotional opportunities.

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23 Apr

Denver Post Again Lauds Tattered Cover's Fight for Customer Privacy

After the title of the book at the center of a landmark First Amendment case came to light last week, a Denver Post editorial once again praised the Tattered Cover Book Store for its decision to fight what could have been "a nasty precedent of allowing the government to stick its nose where it doesn't belong."

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22 Apr

Amazon Goes to Court to Protect Customer's Privacy

On April 10, in U.S. District Court of South Carolina's Charleston Division, Amazon argued to block a government's subpoena to turn over the purchase records of a Charleston real estate broker who the U.S. government alleged received child pornography. Ultimately, the government's effort to access the customer's book purchase records from Amazon officially ended after a plea arrangement was worked out between the defendant and authorities.

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17 Apr

Book at Center of Tattered Cover Fight Irrelevant to Police Case

On behalf of his client, the lawyer representing the customer at the center of a landmark case involving Denver's Tattered Cover Book Store and its fight to protect the privacy of customer records recently authorized Tattered Cover's legal counsel to reveal the name of the book that had been sought by law enforcement officials for more than two years. The title, Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters by Kenneth G. Henshall, had nothing to do with the case involving a methamphetamine lab.

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17 Apr

History Channel Promotion Will Entice Viewers to Make Book Sense of the Past

Starting in June, Book Sense and the History Channel will launch a monthly in-store promotion called Hardcover History, meant to entice readers to experience history through exceptional books and extraordinary television.

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17 Apr

Schuler Books & Music: A Community Bookstore

Schuler Books & Music has four Michigan locations (top to bottom): Grand Rapids, Okemos, Lansing, and the newest store in Walker, just outside of Grand

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16 Apr

Bookstore Challenges Others to Join in Humanitarian Effort

Chapter One Book Store in Hamilton, Montana, recently "issued a challenge" to other booksellers and Montana businesses to donate a percentage of their profits on Thursday, May 1, to Iraqi humanitarian relief efforts.

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16 Apr

Scholastic Provides More Info on Potter Retailer Coupon Program

When the clock strikes midnight on June 21, ushering in the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, many booksellers will see droves of eager fans rushing through the door in a mad scramble to purchase the latest Potter adventure.

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14 Apr

Fireman's Fund Notice Reflects Change in LIBRIS Underwriter

As a result of a change in underwriter, LIBRIS insurance policyholders are receiving a "Notice of Nonrenewal of Insurance" from Fireman's Fund Insurance regarding their business owners package and workers' compensation coverage. "There is no reason for concern," said Michael Hoynes, ABA marketing officer.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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