Industry News

08 May

* * * Countdown to Book Expo * * * Economic Impact Analysis Takes Center Stage at ABA Panel Discussion

On Saturday, May 31, from 10:30 to noon at BookExpo America, the panel "Economic Impact of Locally Owned Businesses" will give attendees the opportunity to see firsthand the results of a study showing the economic impact of chains versus local, independent retailers.

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08 May

California Tax Commission to Audit

At its April 23 meeting, California's State Board of Equalization (BOE) voted 3-2 to conduct a full-scale audit of to determine if the online retailer has nexus in the state of California. The vote came after the Board reaffirmed its September 12, 2002 decision that was obligated to pay California back use taxes for a period of four months -- from November 15, 1999 to March 31, 2000 -- because Barnes & Noble stores were offering coupons discounting purchases made at

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08 May

Songs Inspired by Literature: Singing the Praises of Reading

The written word's influence on other artistic mediums is often taken for granted, but San Francisco-based singer/songwriter Deborah Pardes is hoping that literature's broad reach into other art forms will inspire both the illiterate and alliterate alike to read.

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08 May

PNBA Petitions Congress to Repeal Section 215 of Patriot Act

The Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association (PNBA) recently sent a petition on behalf of its members to all U.S. congressional representatives from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington urging support of H.R. 1157, the Freedom to Read Information Act, which would repeal Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

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08 May

New Yorker on Sale Now Features Recommendations of Book Sense Booksellers

The May 12 issue of The New Yorker magazine on sale now features a special insert, "Bound to Please," highlighting "the sage recommendations of America's independent booksellers."

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07 May

Call for Photos for Summer Book Sense New Yorker Insert

The next special Book Sense feature in The New Yorker will appear in the July 14 issue, on sale July 7, and will highlight summer paperback reading. To complement the story, the magazine is once again seeking photographs of bookstores with Book Sense. All Book Sense stores are encouraged to send photographs of their stores, especially good exterior shots, by May 21.

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07 May

2003 Pannell Winners Announced

On Friday, May 2, the Women's National Book Association (WNBA) announced the winners of this year's Lucile Micheels Pannell Awards. Dutton's Brentwood Bookstore in Los Angeles won the award for a general bookstore. The children's specialty category went to Halfway Down the Stairs Children's Book Shop in Rochester, Michigan.

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07 May

'Today Book Club' Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

On Wednesday, May 7, John Updike chose Drinking Coffee Elsewhere by Z.Z. Packer (Riverhead) as the 11th selection to be read by the "Today Book Club."

Locales in this debut collection of eight stories, featuring mostly young African Americans, include a Girl Scout camp, the Million Man March on Washington, Japan, and, of course, elsewhere.

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07 May

Helping Maintain Austin's Independence: BTW Talks with BookPeople's Steve Bercu

Steve Bercu, owner of BookPeople in Austin, Texas

Last summer, Steve Bercu, the owner of the independent bookstore BookPeople, joined with Waterloo Records, the Austin Independent Business Alliance, and Liveable City, a local, nonprofit community organization, in a campaign to keep

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06 May

MasterCard and Visa Settle Antitrust Lawsuit and Will Lower Transaction Fees

Last week, Visa USA Inc. and MasterCard International Inc. agreed to settle a federal antitrust lawsuit brought by U.S. merchants that argued that the banks were unfairly charging high transaction fees for their Visa Check and Master Money debit cards when consumers signed for transactions. The settlements will ultimately mean lower transaction fees for retailers, according to J. Craig Shearman, senior director of media relations for the National Federation of Retailers (NRF), one of the plaintiffs in the federal antitrust lawsuit.

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01 May

New Enhancements Make Manual Bestseller Reporting Easier

ABA recently launched a new set of features on the Book Sense Bestseller List reporting Web site,, designed to simplify the reporting process for booksellers who choose the manual-entry method each week.

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01 May

National Figures Show Independents Hold Market Share in a Flat Market

While the story of last year's adult trade sales does not have a particularly happy ending for the nation's bookstores, the news was not uniformly bad for independents, according to Ipsos BookTrends. In the April/May issue of the Ipsos Ideas' newsletter, Ipsos' Barrie Rappaport wrote that "the U.S. Book market is flat. Annual growth for general trade print books has been barely keeping pace with population growth rates." While growth was somewhat better between 1992 - 1996, she noted that "[it] has trailed off over the past five years."

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01 May

Book Sense 76 Audiobooks Top 10

With an eye toward enjoyable summer listening for adults and kids -- and recognizing that June is National Audiobook Month -- here are the Book Sense top 10 audiobook picks.

Look for the pad of fliers coming to you in the May white box. And, again, many thanks to all the booksellers who sent in nominations and helped create this strong list.

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01 May

BEA Goes to Washington in 2006

BookExpo America has announced that the 2006 trade show will be held May 19 - 21 in Washington, D.C., the weekend before Memorial Day and after Mother's Day.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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