Industry News

21 Oct

BTW News Briefs

WNBA Wants to Know Your Favorite Children's Bookseller

The Women's National Book Association (WNBA) wants to know about bookstores in the U.S. that excel at creatively bringing books and children together and inspiring children's interest in books and reading. WNBA will present the Lucile Micheels Pannell Award to two bookstores -- one general and one children's bookstore -- at BookExpo America. Each recipient will receive a check for $1,000 plus a framed piece of original art by a children's book illustrator.

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21 Oct

Will Holidays Bring Retailers Good Cheer? Two Surveys, Two Outlooks

Depending on which holiday sales forecast ends up being the most accurate, retailers will either be shouting, "It's A Wonderful Life!" or grumbling "Bah, Humbug!" when the season is over and final holiday sales are tallied. Two recently released holiday sales forecasts, one from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and the other appearing in the Kiplinger Letter, paint contrary pictures for the upcoming holiday season.

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20 Oct

Bookstore Sales in August Disappointing

August is the fifth month in a row in which bookstore sales have trailed last year's figures. August 2004 bookstore sales of $2,079 million were 4.1 percent lower than the $2,167 for August 2003.

In contrast, overall retail sales of $345 billion for August 2004, were 4.5 percent better than the $330 billion reported in August 2003.

Year-to-date bookstore sales, incorporating the negative performance of the past five months, show no gain over the same time period last year.

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14 Oct

Unchain America on November 20

On Saturday, November 20, the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) wants people to shop only at locally owned retailers in their communities. The nationwide event, America Unchained, evolved out of Austin Unchained, the Austin Independent Business Alliance's (AIBA) event held last November, said Jennifer Rockne, AMIBA director. "Last November, [AIBA] did this, and it was very successful -- they received a lot of great press, so we thought we'd do another [nationwide event] ...

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14 Oct

Main Street Takes Center Stage at GLBA Show

The theme of this year's Great Lakes Booksellers Association fall trade show was "Making It on Main Street," and the GLBA plenary session on Sunday, October 10, focused on building local alliances to strengthen Main Street businesses.

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14 Oct

An Energizing GLBA Trade Show

"The Little Trade Show With Heart" is the way Jim Dana, executive director of the Great Lakes Booksellers Association, described the regional's show, which was held in Dearborn, Michigan, from October 8 - 10. "A number of people commented to me on how 'close-knit' our group is, the 'family feel,' the 'intimacy,'" said Dana.

Among the new and successful events at this year's show was the Quiz Bowl, sponsored by Simon & Schuster and inspired by A.J. Jacobs' book Know-It-All.

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14 Oct

Steal This DVD, Part II: Turning a Bookstore Into a Media Center

Over the past decade, as the bookstore market has become increasingly competitive, many independent bookstores began to delve into sidelines in an effort to broaden their stores' appeal and to enhance their bottom line. For many booksellers, that meant bringing in CDs and, more recently, DVDs.

Last week, BTW spoke to a number of booksellers about their reasons for carrying CDs, DVDs, or both, as well as how they handle security.

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13 Oct

CRP Petitions: Not Too Late

Although the formal presentation to Congress of thousands of Campaign for Reader Privacy petitions took place on September 29, bookstores that still have signed petitions should send them to the American Booksellers Association. "We'll be doing a supplementary presentation to Congress" said ABA COO Oren Teicher, "so, even after the deadline, if bookstores still have signed petitions, they should send in what they've got.

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13 Oct

The Worths Build a Business: River Reader Books

This past June, when Patricia Worth, and her husband, Gary, who works as a graphic designer, opened River Reader Books in Lexington, Missouri, Patricia left a 16-year career as a contractor to become a full-time bookseller, and, since the new bookstore has a cafe, a barista, too. "No sense in learning one new trade when you can learn three or four," she joked.

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13 Oct

2004 National Book Award Finalists Announced

On Wednesday, October 13, the 20 finalists for the 2004 National Book Awards were announced by Garrison Keillor at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul, Minnesota. The winners in each of four categories -- Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Young People's Literature -- will be announced on November 17 at a ceremony at the Marriott Marquis in New York City to be hosted by Keillor. Each winner will receive $10,000 and a bronze statue; each finalist will receive a $1,000 cash award and a bronze medal.

The finalists are:

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13 Oct

Hopping on the Bus -- With Book Lovers

"Bookstore Tourism," a term copyrighted by Larry Portzline, is a grassroots effort to promote and support independent bookstores by marketing them as tourist destinations and thereby creating a new travel niche for book lovers.

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12 Oct

Ninth Street Book Store to Host Common Cause SAFE Act Hearing

On Thursday, October 21, Common Cause of Delaware, a nonprofit citizens lobbying organization dedicated to government reform and accountability, will hold a citizen's public meeting on the Safety and Freedom Ensured Act (S. 1709, SAFE Act) at Ninth Street Book Store in Wilmington, Delaware. The SAFE Act looks to amend provisions of the USA Patriot Act, including Section 215, which gives law enforcement officials broad authority to demand that libraries or bookstores turn over books, records, papers, and documents.

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12 Oct

Reader Privacy Concerns Overblown Says Tampa Trib -- Not So Say Booksellers

On Tuesday, October 5, Florida's Tampa Tribune published an editorial entitled "The Patriot Act's License to Snoop Causes Unjustified Anxiety " that began by stating, "Fears that the Patriot Act allows government agents to spy on everyone's library records are wildly overblown. All the three-year-old law does is open a variety of semiprivate files to scrutiny by agents conducting espionage investigations.

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12 Oct

Creating a Guerrilla Marketing Calendar

A marketing calendar is an integral part of a successful marketing plan, and a savvy retailer won't wait until after the holidays to create a marketing calendar for the new year. Pre-holiday rush is a good time to start formulating new plans as well as to assess which of the past year's marketing efforts worked and bear repeating.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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