
04 Mar Co-Op a Win-Win for Booksellers and Publishers

With one year in the books, so to speak, recently released Co-op Reimbursement Program figures indicate that the program has done well to help publishers increase book sales, while giving booksellers access to co-op to help offset the cost of their Web sites. "We're delighted at the early success of this program," Director Len Vlahos told BTW.

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11 Feb

Kiosks Bring In-Store

Rather than hope customers will use and/or buy from their Web sites when they can't get to the bookstore, some booksellers have decided to bring their Web sites to customers by creating Web kiosks in their stores. Booksellers who spoke to BTW about their kiosks have found the axiom made famous in W.P. Kinsella's Shoeless Joe on target: Build it, and they will come.

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05 Feb On the Move…

Here, Director Len Vlahos provides an update on the latest improvements and enhancements to

Greetings Bookseller! There's a lot of news in this edition of On the Move:

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22 Jan

A Report on the Recent Meetings of ABA's Advisory Councils

On Sunday and Monday, January 11 - 12, ABA's Booksellers Advisory Council (BAC) met with representatives of the ABA Board and senior staff in Miami, Florida, to offer the association guidance on a number of issues important to independent booksellers.

The BAC is composed of 25 members and represents a broad cross-section of views from within the community of independent booksellers. For a complete list of BAC members, click here.

Topics discussed at the two days of meetings included:

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16 Dec

Houghton Mifflin to Participate in Co-op Program has announced that Houghton Mifflin will join the Co-op Reimbursement Program starting this January. "We're participating in the co-op program to support Book Sense and to be supportive of every new program it offers -- and to be one of the early birds," said Houghton Mifflin's Carla Gray. "It's a great way to get titles onto booksellers' Web sites and displayed in their stores."

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06 Nov Unveils New Look, New Attitude

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23 Oct On the Move... E-mail and Domain Hosting Now Available

Here, Director Len Vlahos provides an update on the latest improvements and enhancements to

Greetings Booksellers!

So many improvements are being made to this month that it called for a second installment of my On the Move… column.

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16 Oct On the Move...

Here, Director Len Vlahos provides an update on the latest improvements and enhancements to

Greetings! There's a lot of news in this edition of On the Move, as we've made more improvements to your site:

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11 Sep Announces New Subscription Fee

On Wednesday, September 10, the following e-mail announcement was sent to members from Len Vlahos, director.

Greeting Bookseller,

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11 Sep Introduces Co-Op Offer From Algonquin

Starting September 15, Co-op Reimbursement Program participants will be able to take advantage of a special offer from Algonquin Books. Booksellers who feature a special theme on their Web site based around titles culled from Esmé Raji Codell's new book, How to Get Your Child to Love Reading, and display the new book in their stores will be eligible to receive newsletter co-op from Algonquin.

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14 Aug

Top Ten Marketing Ideas to Make Your Web Site a Profit Center

Few marketing experts would argue with the notion that all businesses, regardless of size, should have a presence on the Internet. However, an issue that does cause debate among Internet experts is exactly how to turn a Web site into a profit center. On May 29, at BookExpo America in Los Angeles, Director Len Vlahos tackled this key question with the help of panelist Luanne Kreutzer of St. Helens Bookshop in St. Helens, Oregon.

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31 Jul

FAQ Page Provides Answers to Many Gift Card Queries

Since the news broke about the new national electronic gift card program for stores participating in the Book Sense marketing program, booksellers have had many questions. To help them easily find answers, we've provided an FAQ page to answer many of the common questions. To go to the page, click here.

Or visit to view gift card designs, a financial analysis and other news.

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24 Jul On the Move...

Here Director Len Vlahos updates booksellers on the latest improvements and enhancements to

Greetings! There's a lot of news in this edition of On the Move....

As the direct result of requests from booksellers, we've made a number of enhancements to -- some of which are pretty significant.

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16 Jul

Grove Atlantic and Wiley Join Co-op Reimbursement Program

This week, announced that publishers Grove Atlantic and John Wiley & Sons have joined the Co-op Reimbursement Program. Other publishers participating in the program are AOL Time Warner, Harcourt, and HarperCollins.

The co-op program is designed to help publishers both promote and increase the sales of their books. Furthermore, it gives booksellers a way to claim unused newsletter co-op -- which can then be used to offset a significant portion the monthly cost of their Web sites.

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10 Jul

Book Sense National Gift Card Poised to Launch

Very soon, bookstores with Book Sense will able to sign up for the new Book Sense Gift Card program. This innovative program will provide booksellers with a number of choices regarding card designs and processing options. ABA has partnered with Givex, one of the fastest-growing transaction processors, whose sophisticated service will allow for a customized solution for the more than 1,200 bookstores participating in Book Sense.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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