About ABA

04 Mar

Indies Choice Book Awards Voting Underway

The owners and staff at all ABA member stores are invited to cast their ballots online to choose the winners of the 2010 Indies Choice Book Awards. The winners, to be announced in April, will be honored at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.

The American Booksellers Association announced the finalists and opened voting on Monday, March 1.

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03 Mar

Petition Process Open for Additional Board Candidates

In addition to the three director candidates nominated by the ABA Board for this year's elections, any ABA bookstore member may submit a petition for a director candidate. Upon receipt of a valid petition, the ABA Nominating Committee will add the candidate's name to the director ballot to be sent to members by the end of March.

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18 Feb

A Report on the ABA Board's Winter Meeting

The American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors and senior staff held meetings from Sunday through Tuesday, January 31 - February 2, 2010, just prior to the Fifth Annual Winter Institute, at the Doubletree hotel in San Jose, California.

Among its activities during the two and a half days of meetings, the Board:

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18 Feb

ABA Names 2010 Board Candidates; Opens Petition Process for Additional Candidates

At its winter meeting, the American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors nominated three director candidates to serve three-year terms (2010 - 2013) on the Board.

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18 Feb

Mark Your Calendars: ABA's Spring Booksellers Forum Schedule

The American Booksellers Association will be holding 12 Booksellers Forums in March and April to provide booksellers in every region of the country with an opportunity to meet with ABA senior staff to their share ideas, discuss industry issues, and receive updates on various association projects. Each forum will also offer an education component from ABA's highly regarded Winter Institute.

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18 Feb

Virginia Moves Closer to E-Fairness; More States Introduce Sales Tax Equity Bills

This week, the Virginia State Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass e-fairness legislation, while senators in Maryland and Illinois introduced bills that would bring about sales tax equity for thousands of retailers in their states. In addition, legislators in California appear to be moving closer to bringing about e-fairness in the state. And, in Colorado, members of the State House of Representatives passed a uniquely amended version of sales tax legislation that looks to focus on consumer use tax compliance, and it is expected that Gov. Bill Ritter will sign the bill into law.

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18 Feb

ABA Hotel @ BEA 2010 Now Taking Reservations

Booksellers at ABA member stores can now make reservations for the official "ABA Hotel" for BookExpo America 2010. The Park Central Hotel, located just 20 blocks north of New York's Javits Convention Center, near Times Square, provides easy access to BEA via taxi, bus, or subway.

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11 Feb

Fifth Annual Winter Institute: Another Winner

Andrew Weinstein, vice president and general manager of retail solutions at Ingram Digital

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28 Jan

2009 ABACUS Reports on the Way

This week, the American Booksellers Association began sending customized reports to member bookstores that participated in the 2009 ABACUS Survey. The individualized reports analyze the store's financial results and include comparisons with other businesses based on multiple criteria (such as sales level, store size, and community type) in addition to year-to-year trending information. All stores that participated in the 2009 study should receive an e-mailed report before the end of next week.

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21 Jan

ABA to Kick Off Spring Forum Schedule at CAMEX

The American Booksellers Association will be holding its first Booksellers Forum of 2010 on March 12 in Orlando, Florida, in conjunction with the National Association of College Stores' (NACS) Campus Market Expo (CAMEX), where forum participants will be able to take advantage of special housing and registration offers. All ABA member booksellers are invited to the forum program, which is being held in conjunction with NACS and the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance.

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14 Jan

IndieCommerce Outlines Plans for First Half of 2010

This week, the American Booksellers Association presented IndieCommerce members with a roadmap of upgrades and new features planned for the first half of 2010. ABA also assured members that, in the wake of the staff reorganization announced last week, IndieCommerce remains an extremely high priority and that the recent changes would put staff in a stronger position to respond to customer service questions and to implement new features.

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07 Jan

ABA Joins Indie Businesses in Important Post-Holiday Survey; Bookseller Participation Urged

Once again, the American Booksellers Association is partnering with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, and a wide range of other indie business groups on a national post-holiday survey of independent businesses.

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07 Jan

Holiday Season 2009: Better Than Last Year

Booksellers can finally exhale after a holiday season that, for the most part, was an improvement over a dismal 2008. The season saw sales dips at some indie booksellers, but these declines were outnumbered by modest, and sometimes robust, gains at others. Booksellers from across the country reported that the Local First movement was bearing fruit, and several reaped the benefits of creative, homegrown marketing campaigns.

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22 Dec

Holiday Helpers: ABA Staffers Become Weekend Booksellers

Continuing a holiday tradition, ABA senior staff members were encouraged by CEO Oren Teicher and COO Len Vlahos to spend time working at member stores during the crucial rundown to the New Year.

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17 Dec

BTW's Holiday Schedule

Bestseller Reporting Remains Unchanged

To get a jump on the Christmas holiday, next week's edition of Bookselling This Week will arrive in your inbox on Tuesday, December 22. There will be no BTW the following week (the week of New Year's Day). However, the Indie Bestseller Lists will be produced and e-mailed as usual on Tuesday, December 22, and Tuesday, December 29; they will also be posted to BookWeb late Tuesday afternoon.

The Bestseller reporting period for both weeks remains unchanged:

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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