BTW's Holiday Schedule

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Bestseller Reporting Remains Unchanged

To get a jump on the Christmas holiday, next week's edition of Bookselling This Week will arrive in your inbox on Tuesday, December 22. There will be no BTW the following week (the week of New Year's Day). However, the Indie Bestseller Lists will be produced and e-mailed as usual on Tuesday, December 22, and Tuesday, December 29; they will also be posted to BookWeb late Tuesday afternoon.

The Bestseller reporting period for both weeks remains unchanged:

  • ABA Manual Entry -- 3:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, via the ABA reporting site
  • ABA File Upload --3:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, via the ABA reporting site
  • BookScan -- 10:00 p.m. EST on Monday, directly from the store POS system.

When BTW returns on Thursday, January 7, we'll feature a report on the holidays at bookstores across the country. If you're an ABA member and interested in being a part of our wrap-up, please drop us an e-mail describing how this year's holiday sales compared to last year; what titles were your store's handselling success stories; and whether any particular events or marketing promotions were instrumental in driving holiday sales.

Booksellers with questions about Bestseller reporting should contact ABA Special Projects Manager Peter Reynolds.