Looking for Books Mentioned in the Media?

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Every Thursday, Bookselling This Week's Media Guide provides timely information about books and authors featured in print publications and on TV and radio programs, as well as a schedule of national and regional book-related events. The guide is a helpful tool for booksellers planning orders and displays, and may come in handy when trying to track down titles sought by customers who saw or heard something in the media, but who lack a title.

Featured on the BTW website at news.bookweb.org/mediaguide/ and through a link in Thursday's BTW Flash, the Media Guide is compiled from information provided by newspapers, TV and radio stations, and publishers. Whenever possible, information is included in the Media Guide in advance of the mention in the media to give booksellers an opportunity to plan ahead.

"In Print," the most timely section of the Media Guide, provides a look at titles to be featured in the book review sections of the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times, among others, for the upcoming weekend and the weekend beyond, as well as recent titles featured in various consumer magazines.

"On the Tube" lists titles featured on upcoming and past television shows and book clubs including Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and various C-SPAN programs.

Titles featured on National Public Radio programs and other major national radio shows, including All Things Considered, Morning Edition, and Fresh Air are presented in "On the Radio." And an "Events Calendar," providing dates and locations of upcoming book fairs, regional programs, bookseller schools, and more, rounds out the Media Guide.

To make the Media Guide an even more useful marketing tool, publishers' publicity departments and others are asked to send all news of upcoming titles to be featured in the media to BTW's Media Guide coordinator, Elizabeth Fabian, at [email protected].
