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The Indie Healthy Living Bestseller List

Based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending December 17, 2017.
1. Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker, Scribner, $27, 9781501144318
2. The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking, Morrow, $19.99, 9780062658807
3. Food Can Fix It: The Superfood Switch to Fight Fat, Defy Aging, and Eat Your Way Healthy
Mehmet Oz, Scribner, $29.99, 9781501158155
4. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger, Gene Stone, Flatiron, $27.99, 9781250066114
5. The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People
Dan Buettner, National Geographic Society, $14.99, 9781426216558
6. Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It
Joel Fuhrman, HarperOne, $27.99, 9780062571212
7. Anticancer: A New Way of Life
David Servan-Schreiber, Penguin, $15, 9780452295728
8. Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth Behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr
Anthony William, Hay House, $27.99, 9781401948368
9. Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy — Until You’re 80 and Beyond
Chris Crowley, Henry S. Lodge, Workman, $12.95, 9780761147732
10. Vibe: Discover Your Energetic Frequency for Health, Love & Success
Robyn Openshaw, North Star Way, $26, 9781501163289
11. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health
T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II, Benbella Books, $17.95, 9781941631560
12. Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Bantam, $20, 9780345536938
13. Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ
Giulia Enders, Jill Enders (Illus.), Greystone Books, $17.95, 9781771641494
14. Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Mary Roach, Norton, $15.95, 9780393334791
15. Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss
Joel Fuhrman, Little Brown, $17, 9780316120913
16. Younger Next Year for Women: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy — Until You’re 80 and Beyond
Chris Crowley, Henry S. Lodge, Workman, $12.95, 9780761147749
17. Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life
Emily Nagoski, S&S, $16.99, 9781476762098
18. Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love Your Body
Jessamyn Stanley, Workman, $16.95, 9780761193111
19. Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love With the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables
Anthony William, Hay House, $29.99, 9781401948320
20. Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika
B.K.S. Iyengar, Schocken, $19.95, 9780805210316
21. Deep Listening: A Healing Practice to Calm Your Body, Clear Your Mind, and Open Your Heart
Jillian Pransky, Rodale Books, $24.99, 9781623368562
22. The Ayurveda Way: 108 Practices From the World’s Oldest Healing System for Better Sleep, Less Stress, Optimal Digestion, and More
Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Storey Publishing, $18.95, 9781612128184
23. Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 120 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness
Scott Kloos, Timber Press, $27.95, 9781604696578
24. Yoga 365: Daily Wisdom for Life, On and Off the Mat
Susanna Harwood Rubin, Chronicle, $16.95, 9781452145006
25. The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer
Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Dr. Elissa Epel, Grand Central, $28, 9781455587971