WNBA Calls for Pannell Award Nominations

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The Women’s National Book Association is seeking nominations of bookstores in the U.S. that excel at inspiring kids’ interest in reading, as well as creatively bringing books and young people together. The organization will present the annual WNBA Pannell Award to two bookstores — one general bookstore and one children’s specialty bookstore — at BookExpo America in June 2012.

Each winner will receive a check for $1,000 and a framed piece of original art by a noted children’s book illustrator. The deadline for nominations, which can be submitted to Pannell jury via e-mail, is January 15. Stores may nominate themselves.

Nominations should include the following information:

  • Name and location of store
  • Contact person at the store, including e-mail address and phone number (most important)
  • Category — indicate whether the store is a general or a children’s specialty bookshop
  • A brief statement about why you believe the store is deserving of this award, including information about programs that the store sponsors to encourage the love of books in young readers.
  • Your name, contact information, and affiliation to the nominated store.

Nominations should be sent to Valerie Tomaselli, chair of the WNBA Pannell Award committee, at [email protected].

The WNBA Pannell Award was established in 1981 by the WNBA, a national organization of women and men who work to promote reading and to support the role of women in the book community since 1917.