WBN Offers Details for Organizing Groups of Givers

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While the primary focus of World Book Night is the individuals who have signed up online — many of whom will be going to ABA member stores to get their boxes of books — WBN is providing a way for stores that are already signed up to be pick-up locations to bring in extra boxes of books for two purposes.

World Book Night U.S. Executive Director Carl Lennertz explains:

  1. By March 1, if a bookstore comes up with a great idea to involve a group of givers who didn’t sign up individually, WBN will provide a bulk-copy order form (by direct request only) that will allow the store to bring in extra cartons of World Book Night editions.

    IMPORTANT: The bookstore would agree to get the group organized, have everyone sign a WBN pledge (which WBN will provide), and send them on their way.

    WBN must receive a formal proposal for groups of givers in writing.

  2. A bookstore can volunteer to be a World Book Night state captain (there can be as many per state as needed) to serve as locations to bring in additional boxes of books to back-up cartons gone missing elsewhere and, more importantly, for any customers who come in close to WBN and say, “Hey, can I still participate?” This way, the booksellers can say: “Why, yes! We have extra boxes in back.”

    NOTE: The following books are not eligible for either of these programs as the individual givers have taken the entire allocation: The Hunger Games, The Book Thief, Because of Winn-Dixie, Ender’s Game, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

A bulk-copy order form will be available on request to [email protected] by February 13; the filing deadline will be March 1.