Wanted: Banned Books

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The deadline for nominations for this year's Banned Books Top Ten Picks -- a crucial element in many stores' Banned Books Week activities in September -- is Monday, July 17. Nominations are needed for adult and children's titles in either hardcover or paperback.

Past lists have showcased important titles that have been either challenged or banned in the U.S. These have ranged from A Wrinkle in Time, to The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book), to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The American Library Association's website, www.ala.org, provides helpful information about banned and challenged books, including ALA's "Challenged/Banned Books" webpage.

Nominations may be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or via the convenient online nomination form.

"Settling on titles to nominate for this list may take a bit more time than for other Picks lists," said Book Sense Picks Editor-in-Chief Dan Cullen, "but it is one that is so central to what independent bookselling is all about, and I hope every bookseller will want to participate."
