Viewpoint Books: Have 13,000 Books, Will Travel

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After 34 years in one location, Viewpoint Books in Columbus, Indiana, had to relocate to another store two blocks away. The move, which took place August 25, turned into something of a parade when 45 customers gathered to help transport inventory and formed a "procession of library carts, hand trucks, and dollies that stretched for a block and a half [and was] led by a three-piece brass group," said Terry Whittaker, co-owner of the store with his wife, Susan.

The 4,000-square-foot bookstore relocated because The Commons, the mall that housed the store from its beginning, is closing for extensive renovations. Thanks to the huge turnout of volunteers, Whittaker said moving Viewpoint's 13,000-plus titles took only two hours, and the store was closed for just two days. "Among the volunteers were two in motorized wheelchairs," he said. "One made so many trips back and forth, his battery ran out."

The new store, a 2,000-square-foot space in a historic building, looks "more like an independent bookstore," said Whittaker. "Customer reaction has been wonderful. As much as we loved the old store, we had become routinized. The move has really reenergized staff.... Hopefully we can take it to another level now. We're quite pleased."

Whittaker added that Saturday's outpouring of support demonstrated the good will the store has generated over the course of its three and a half decades. "This display of community was one of the most touching experiences of our lives," he said. "As much as this says about the attachment of our customers to our store, it says more about the feeling of proprietorship our customers have with us. I know of no other retail business that generates that kind of loyalty." --Karen Schechner