Two Join ABFFE Board in 2003

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During the past year, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) has been extremely active, playing a significant role in a number of free expression cases and garnering support for legislation to repeal Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. Serving a crucial role at ABFFE is its 14-member Board of Directors, who have volunteered their time to help booksellers protect Americans' First Amendment rights.

In June, ABFFE announced the election of two new Board members: Pearl Kilbride of Ruminator Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Kerry Slattery of Skylight Books, Los Angeles.

"It is definitely an honor, but also a huge responsibility," said Kilbride of being chosen for the ABFFE Board. "We are talking about defending a basic First Amendment issue, a principle which helps define what is best about our society. It is essential that we are successful in our advocacy efforts. It is a basic right, but it is being challenged every day, and we have to continue fighting for it."

Kilbride, who is married to David Unowsky of Ruminator Books, is the publisher of Ruminator Press, which made news in 2002 when it released The Last Summer of Reason by Tahar Djaout. The book -- about a bookseller whose outrageous act of everyday rebellion is keeping his bookstore open in an unnamed country controlled by religious fundamentalists -- was found among the author's papers after he was murdered, most probably by Islamic extremists, in Algeria in 1993. Kilbride donated some of the proceeds of the book to ABFFE.

Slattery, Skylight's general manager and a co-owner, worked as an actor and was in the film business for years before becoming involved in the bookstore. "I am very impressed by the commitment of the existing Board members and their knowledge, and it inspires me to come up to their level of commitment to other booksellers and to First Amendment issues," Slattery said.

The new directors replaced Jennifer Anglin of Enchanted Forest in Dallas, who resigned when she closed her store, and Chuck Robinson, who was elected to a one-year term as treasurer.

ABFFE President Chris Finan told BTW, "Throughout its history, ABFFE has been blessed with board members who care deeply about protecting First Amendment rights. Kerry and Pearl are a perfect fit."

For a full listing of ABFFE's Board of Directors, click here.