Thursday Tip, Sleeper Alerts, and This Week ... a Music Rec!

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By Carl Lennertz

Tip of the Week:

Do you still have the old blue Book Sense gift certificates? Yuk. Send 'em back and get a set of the new gold ones, the ones with space for your logo. Please contact Linda Ford here at ABA first, as some paperwork is required -- but, please, make this change. You'll sell more. Linda is at (800) 637-0037, ext. 1276. (Hey, that should be my extension!)

Sales News: Here's an update from data gathered from 350 indies. (Booksellers: Some of this information went out by e-mail Tuesday; let me know if you're not getting that e-mail, along with the national list and the "On the Rises." Publishers: Let me know if you're not getting the list on Tuesday.)

Kids' Pick of the Week:

  • On the fall Kids' 76 just announced, and #35 for NEBA this week: Fairy Houses, Tracy Kane (Great White Dog Picture Co., $15.95, 0970810458)

Mass Market National:

  • On the Rise: #27 Watchers of Time, Charles Todd (Bantam, $5.99, 0553583166)

Hardcover Fiction: Titles to Watch: Two 76 picks that have been out a while and that are doing well in the face of a LOT of competition:

  • #22 The Dream of Scipio, Iain Pears (Riverhead, $25.95, 157322202X)
  • #34 The Solace of Leaving Early, Haven Kimmel (Doubleday, $23.95, 0385499833)

Hardcover Nonfiction:

  • #20 Running With Scissors: A Memoir, Augusten Burroughs (St. Martin's, $23.95, 0312283709) This is the latest USA Today book club pick, and a 76 pick, too. It's on the NYT list, as it's doing well at the chains, and I'm sure wholesale demand is inflating its rank a little. But I was hoping this were doing better, even though I understand it's a hard book to describe. Anyone read this who'd like to rave about it?

    Things are a little quiet on the trade paper front. The Two Towers sales are cranking up, both in mass and trade.

And music rec? Check out Chuck Profit, a bluesy white boy with a great sound. On an indie label. His best song is one called "Summertime."

[email protected]
