Signup Deadline for Summer/Fall Indies Introduce Extended to June 7

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ABA member stores have just a few more days to sign up to take advantage of special publisher offers on 10 adult and 10 children’s titles chosen by panels of booksellers from across the U.S. as the top debuts of the summer and fall seasons. Titles featured in the Summer/Fall 2015 Indies Introduce program include adult fiction, middle grade, and YA publishing between June and October 2015.

For stores that have taken part in past Indies Introduce promotions, there’s no need to sign up again; however, stores that are new to Indies Introduce must complete the Indies Introduce sign-up form by June 7 to take part in the program.

ABA members will need a BookWeb login and password to access the list of titles, bookseller blurbs, and full details on publishers’ offers at

A new Indies Introduce logo and marketing materials are also ready for download.