Russia Under the Spotlight at Global Market Forum

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The rich literary culture of Russia will be the focus of BookExpo America’s Global Market Forum programming, which kicks off at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, June 4, in Room 1E17 of the Javits Convention Center. BEA is working with Read Russia 2012, the largest initiative to promote contemporary Russian authors in the United States, and this year’s BEA forum aims to “help build the infrastructure of Russian publishing,” said Steve Rosato, BEA event director.

Under the direction of Vladimir Grigoriev, deputy head of the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication and Media, Read Russia 2012 will bring more than 50 contemporary Russian writers and publishers to New York for a weeklong festival during BEA. Events include a Literary Showcase of panel discussions, readings, and workshops with Russian writers and their American counterparts in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens; a Tribeca Russian Children’s Literature and Art Expo; a Read Russia Roof Film Series and Live Performances, featuring late-night presentations of films and music inspired by Russian literary works with gala events at the New York Public Library, Russian Consulate, and an exclusive concert by Regina Spektor; as well as other events. Scheduling details are still being finalized.

The Global Market Forum, which runs concurrently with BEA activities, aims to serve all international attendees as well as all domestic publishing personnel with an investment in international publishing and book industry concerns. But, said Rosato, “it’s not just about publishing, it’s about culture, and sharing the Russian culture on a global basis, and making it more accessible. Beyond Tolstoy and Chekov, there are a lot of great contemporary writers that do translate well.”

Global Market Forum programming to be held on Monday, June 4, from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. in Room 1E17 includes:

  • An Overview of the Russian Book and Publishing Marketplace
  • Russian Literature in the United States Market
  • Educational Publishing Programs in Russia
  • Children’s and Young Adult Titles in Russian Publishing
  • A Review of Russia's Policy on Copyrights and Piracy
  • Stepping Into the Digital Future With Russia
  • Technological Advances in Russian Distribution and Print On Demand

The official Global Market Forum Opening Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 5, at 8:50 a.m. on the trade show floor.