Order Deadline for ABC Best Books Catalog Extended

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Booksellers at all ABA member stores now have until next Wednesday, September 10, to place their orders for additional copies of the 2014 ABC Best Books for Children Catalog.

This year’s edition of the popular newspaper insert and in-store/event handout features more than 200 titles, including award-winning backlist.

All members of the ABC Children’s Group at ABA will automatically receive 250 catalogs with no imprinting. All other ABA member stores will automatically receive 20 catalogs with no imprinting. An order form for additional imprinted or plain catalogs is available here. Catalogs are scheduled to ship to stores in early October.

For further information or to place an order for more than 5,000 copies, booksellers should contact ABC Children’s Group Manager Matthew Zoni via e-mail or by phone at (800) 637-0037, ext. 7551.

A list of the 2014 catalog titles in an Excel spreadsheet will be available to stores upon request once production is complete.