November 17 Deadline for Comments to Governance Review Committee

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The committee charged with reviewing the practices of the American Booksellers Association’s Board and officers to determine whether they are in accordance with established policies and procedures is seeking member input via a simple online form by Thursday, November 17.

The Governance Review Committee (GRC) — composed of chair Carla Jimenez of Inkwood Books, Dale Szczeblowski of Porter Square Books, and Jill Miner of Saturn Booksellers — is asking booksellers to share their questions, comments, or suggestions regarding any aspect of ABA governance, including the Board/staff relationship and increasing transparency.

The Governance Review Committee’s purpose is to ensure that the relationship between the Board and senior management is functioning according to ABA’s organizational design; to supervise resolution of any issues where the Board or staff has a conflict of interest; and to provide oversight if there is a material question of whether the Board is maintaining fiduciary responsibility.

Questions, comments, or suggestions about ABA governance can be submitted through the form at Comments received will remain confidential to the GRC; however, recommendations will be synthesized (but made anonymous) and shared with the Board.

More information about the role and structure of the GRC as well as previous committee reports are available to members on