A New Look for Left Bank Books

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BEFORE: Left Bank's staircase was virtually hidden behind bookshelves

After 35 years at the helm of Left Bank Books, Kris Kleindienst decided that her iconic St. Louis bookstore was in need of a change. When the Bookstore Training Group of Paz & Associates announced its Bookstore Makeover Contest, Kleindienst and her partner, Jarek Steele, decided to enter.

If awarded the makeover, they hoped to make the store’s layout more customer-friendly and easy to manage, establish better merchandising opportunities, and give its interior a fresh new look. They also expressed a desire to bring more attention to the store’s lower level, which housed several nonfiction categories as well as thousands of used books.

AFTER: With a custom wrought-iron railing and bright colors, the staircase is more visible to customers

When reviewing the submissions from the stores that entered, the Paz & Associates team, comprised of owners Donna Paz and Mark Kaufman, bookstore architect Liz Dion, design specialist Rob Berlin, and Franklin Fixture manufacturer Ted Baylis, “instantly saw the possibilities for Left Bank Books,” said Paz. The photos of the existing space showed some unique architectural elements, an over-abundance of fixtures and displays, as well as a staircase that was difficult to see and access, and all white walls and ceiling.

Conversations with Kleindienst and Steele convinced the Paz & Associates team that they were not only deserving of the makeover, but also committed to the necessary labor to implement the recommendations provided by the training group.

BEFORE: Left Bank's nonfiction section

With a $2,000 budget, the Paz & Associates team set out to accomplish four main goals: create a “Wow!” first impression upon entering the store; add color to the walls to draw customers further inside; designate several focal point displays; and reduce clutter by combining categories without taking away from the store’s inventory.

In order to make the stairwell more visible, the Paz & Associates team replaced a bookcase and half-wall with a custom wrought-iron railing. Other dramatic changes included painting tables that had been in storage, adding light fixtures, relocating the children’s section to a dedicated space of its own, and transforming the lower level of the store into “The Underground”— a dedicated space for young adults.

AFTER: Left Bank's updated nonfiction section

“With Paz & Associates’ expertise and outside perspective, we were able to finally achieve a beautifully thought out, relevant, unique, and gorgeous new feel to our store without sacrificing our identity,” said Kleindienst.

The store’s transformation allows each section of the store to stand out, while the new design ties it all together. “There’s a lot to gain with some imagination and creativity, even within a limited budget,” said Paz. “With a fresh new look, an even stronger statement about the benefits of shopping indie, and a comfortable and inviting bookstore, Left Bank Books is ready for the holiday season... and another chapter in the bookstore business.”