Len Vlahos to Leave ABA to Become New BISG Executive Director

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Len Vlahos, the American Bookseller Association’s chief operating officer and a longtime staff member, has been selected as the executive director of the Book Industry Study Group, Inc. (BISG), effective September 12, 2011. Vlahos’  last day at ABA will be September 2.

“All of us at ABA extend warmest congratulations to Len on his appointment as BISG’s new executive director,” said ABA CEO Oren Teicher. “To say the least, we will miss him a great deal, but we are delighted that the wider book industry can now benefit from his enormous talent and vast experience. Len is perfectly suited for this new role, and we eagerly look forward to working with BISG and Len to address the many challenges facing the book industry.”

BISG is the U.S. book industry’s trade association for policy, standard, and research. Its membership consists of publishers, manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, librarians, and others engaged in the business of print and digital media. Founded more than 30 years ago, BISG provides a forum for all industry professionals to come together and address issues and concerns to advance the book community.

“Len will provide the leadership and vision we need in this period of significant change as BISG continues to supply research, education, and standards that help keep the book ecosystem healthy,” said George Tattersfield, who serves as treasurer of BISG and chaired the BISG Search Committee.

“While I have loved and valued my nearly 20 years at ABA, I’m honored and thrilled to be presented with the opportunity to lead BISG in its mission to create a more informed, empowered, and efficient book industry for both print and digital products,” said Vlahos. “I look forward to helping the organization leverage its unique position at the center of the book industry to the benefit of our members, and I cannot thank the members of the executive committee enough for putting their faith in me.”

Teicher added, “Len has been at the center of virtually everything we have accomplished at ABA in recent years. From the launches of BookSense.com, IndieBound, and IndieCommerce.com to the establishment of ABA’s Winter Institute, Len has been a valued and effective advocate on behalf of independent bookselling. For almost 20 years, Len has been my colleague, friend, and trusted advisor, and it will be difficult to imagine life at ABA without him. But life goes on, and I have total confidence the ABA staff will continue to serve our members without missing a beat during the weeks and months ahead.”