June Bookstore Sales Up

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Retail sales at bookstores this June reflected a healthy increase over June 2005, according to estimates recently released by the Bureau of the Census. June 2006 bookstore sales of $1,176 million were 4.2 percent higher than the $1,129 million of June 2005. This was the second consecutive month that bookstore sales showed an improvement over the same period last year.

Overall retail sales of $373 billion for June 2006 were 5.4 percent better than the $354 billion of June 2005.

Period 2005 Final
(Millions of Dollars)
(Millions of Dollars)
% Change
2006 over 2005
January 2,053 2,143 4.4
February 1,070 1,052 (1.7)
March 1,082 1,041 (3.8)
April 979 940 (4.0)
May 1,098 1,118 1.8
June 1,129 1,176 (p) 4.2
YTD 7,411 7,470 0.8

(p) Preliminary figure

Note: Estimates reflect sales of all types of participating bookstore, including trade, college, religious, chain stores (including superstores), and others. A bookstore is defined as any retail establishment with sales comprised of more than 50 percent new books and periodicals, and estimates include sales of all products in these stores.

Source: Bureau of the Census, Current Retail Trade Branch.

Notice of Revision: Monthly retail sales were revised based on the results of the 2004 Annual Retail Trade Survey and results from the 2002 Census of Retail Trade. The Annual Revision of Monthly Retail and Food Services showing revised unadjusted and adjusted data was released on March 30, 2006.