Incoming ABA CEO Begins New Job With Gratitude and Confidence

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Dear Bookselling Friends:

As I begin my new job, I want to thank the hundreds of people who have wished me well. All their words of encouragement and support have given me enormous confidence that I'm beginning my new role at ABA surrounded by people who share my belief that -- despite the enormous challenges we face -- together we can create a business and cultural environment where independent bookstores won't merely survive but will, once again, thrive. I pledge to use all of my energy and best efforts to make that a reality.

I want to publicly express my personal thanks and appreciation to both the ABA Board of Directors for their vote of confidence in selecting me as ABA's new CEO and to the CEO Search Committee for their transparent, fair, and thorough process. I'm humbled by your support, and I am eagerly looking forward to helping lead our organization. I am particularly grateful to ABA's former president, Gayle Shanks of Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe, Arizona, for her tireless leadership this past year and for all she has done on behalf of ABA.

None of us at ABA -- neither Board nor staff -- have all the answers to how we can best serve our members. From Day One, I want to reach out and ask that you never hesitate to contact me (at [email protected]) if you have any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, or concerns about ABA and our efforts on behalf of indie bookstores. My door -- and e-mail inbox -- are always open, and I hope you will feel free to be in touch. I know we can be far more effective when we work together and utilize the extraordinary collective brainpower of booksellers. I'm very fortunate to be beginning my service as ABA's CEO with a truly dedicated Board of Directors led by Michael Tucker of Books, Inc., San Francisco, California, and Becky Anderson of Anderson's Bookstore, Naperville, Illinois.

I know that I follow a remarkable CEO. Avin was a superb leader who served ABA with enormous skill and dedication.

The pace of change in our world has never been faster, and we are surrounded by challenges we could scarcely have envisioned only a few years ago. But in my 20-plus years of service to ABA, if I have learned one thing, it is that independent booksellers are the smartest, nicest, and most resilient people in the universe. As I become your new CEO, I am energized by my belief that by working together we can ensure that our very best days are still to come.

I can't wait to get to work!

Warmest regards,


Oren J. Teicher
Chief Executive Officer
American Booksellers Association