An End and a Beginning at Bookends

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As of December 2, new owners took possession of Bookends, in Ridgewood, New Jersey. On that day, Dana and Walter Gilligan, store owners for nearly 19 years, handed the keys over to Pat and Walter Boyer, who were beginning their first days as booksellers.

Ownership of Bookends includes a burnished reputation as a top venue for book signings of nationally and internationally known writers and celebrities. A full 3,000-square-foot space, with a seating capacity of 100, is dedicated to book events and signings. Up one level, another 3,000-square-foot space is the selling floor for the general bookstore.

The Boyers, who have settled in Ridgewood after years of working in corporate jobs in Manhattan, are approaching changes enthusiastically and cautiously. "We have worked closely with Dana and (the other) Walter to assure a smooth transition. Customers won't see a lot of changes. The store has a very loyal group of supporters, and we don't want to change any of the integrity of the store. The Gilligans wanted the store to go to people who were going to carry forward all the work they have done. We have done some expansion, particularly of the children's section."

Bookends is one of the few area businesses legally open on Sundays due to state blue laws. Bookstores and other educational businesses are permitted business hours on Sunday. However, even the nearby chain bookstores close. Boyer sees this as a tremendous opportunity to bring people into the store. In addition, co-owner Pat Boyer is increasing the inventory mix with high-quality, educational children's toys and games.

The frequent book signings, which are one of the store's renowned features, are thriving under the new owners. "We have more signings here than anyone else in the area," Walter Boyer told BTW. The list of authors scheduled for January 2003 includes astronaut Scott Carpenter, Pete Hamill, Anne Taylor Fleming, wrestler Jerry Lawler, and Gong Show host and self-styled former CIA covert assassin Chuck Barris. December brought appearances by Garrison Keillor, Elmore Leonard, William Wegman, and Santa Claus.

Prominent authors often name Bookends as one of their favorite stops on tours. Humorist Bill Geist, also a Ridgewood resident, mentioned Bookends in a 1997 interview in BTW. "[The day of his Bookends visit] was named 'Bill Geist Day' in Bergen County, so that was an obvious highlight ... that's a great bookstore," said Geist.

When asked by BTW in 1997 to name favorite bookstores, Mary Higgins Clark also included Bookends.

The heavy schedule of special events and signings, along with the hundreds of autographed books available in the store, have made the store's Web site a terrific tool. Boyer told BTW, "When you log on to our site (, you can click on any of our autographed books by author's name. It's a great way to publicize the signings. So many of our clientele regularly visit the site."

Pat and Walter Boyer are working harder as booksellers than they did at their corporate jobs, but they are enjoying it much more. "There isn't the bureaucracy, operating your own business. Our staff [of four] came with the store and their work has been integral to the smooth transition. They are so knowledgeable…. Dana and Walter [Gilligan] have also made this much easier for us. This is a community that believes in supporting its small businesses. We want to continue to be a strong part of the community." -- Nomi Schwartz
