Customers Come Full Circle After the Storm

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Oklahoma was hit especially hard during the ice storms that coated the Midwest at the beginning of December. Now, more than two weeks later, nearly 90,000 residents are still without power as utility companies struggle to repair downed lines. Almost from the very start of the ordeal, Oklahoma City's Full Circle Bookstore has served as a welcome place for area residents to warm up, charge their phones, and use wireless Internet access.

The storm on Saturday and Sunday, December 1 - 2, resulted in the largest power failure the area had ever seen, said Full Circle owner James Tolbert. The store was blacked out on the Monday following the storm, but power was restored by Tuesday. Tolbert was not as lucky at home, however, where power was out for six days. Several Full Circle staff members were also with power for varying periods of time.

After the storm, Full Circle posted an open invitation on its website, "Please come and enjoy our fireplaces, complimentary coffee, outlets to charge your cell phones, and free wireless internet!" The word got out, and community members came streaming in to take advantage of the offer. "Many people came in," said Tolbert. "We've got a welcoming and warm environment, and a caf."

Those who first came to the store were primarily shopping for themselves or visiting the caf and not yet gearing up for the holidays, explained Tolbert, who added that a number of Oklahomans were incurring considerable expense in the aftermath of the storm and weren't spending. As power was restored to more residents, the mood began shifting, but it wasn't until about eight days after the storm that customers began "getting the Christmas attitude," he said.

The weather in area has continued to be a problem. "We've had 30-mile-an-hour winds and temperature in the 20s," Tolbert said. The flip side is that customers who are now coming in, don't want to leave, and they're buying books for everyone on their gift list. "That has been redeeming," said Tolbert. --Karen Schechner