A Cool Idea for a Hot Summer Day

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With temperatures reaching nearly 115 degrees in Tempe, Arizona, the staff at Changing Hands Bookstore put their heads together to find a way to help customers keep their cool.

The result: An eye-catching display featuring a snowman in "Shaq-like" proportions, created by local sculptor Marco Rosichelli, surrounded by a mix of "wintry" titles.

Changing Hands Public Relations Manager Holly Nelson told BTW that the idea was the brainchild of General Manager Cindy Dach, who saw Rosichelli's piece when it was on display at Eye Lounge, an arts collective in downtown Phoenix.

Once Dach convinced Rosichelli that the snowman would make a great display at Changing Hands, staff came up with some of their favorite reads for the display. The Children's Department offered Jan Brett's The Three Snow Bears, Caralyn Buehner's Snowmen at Night, and Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass. Also on the list of frosty favorites are Snow by Orhan Pamuk, City of Thieves by David Benioff, and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, among others.