A Call for Every Book Sense Store to Become More Active in the Program

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The following letter from Book Sense Marketing Director Mark Nichols outlining requirements that booksellers must meet to continue to receive the White Box mailings was sent to all stores with Book Sense in the September White Box.

September 2003

Dear Book Sense Bookseller,

As we approach the Fifth Anniversary of Book Sense, it is fitting that we take stock of the program from all points of view --- yours, as Book Sense booksellers; our Publisher Partners; and the staff of ABA. In this note, I'd like to address the monthly White Box mailings and offer an opportunity for you to partner more closely with Book Sense while endeavoring to keep this aspect of the program cost free to booksellers.

Each month we pack and send out 1,600+ boxes filled with the myriad offerings made possible by our Publisher Partners. The cost per store per year to send the White Box mailing is over $200. Over 12 months that cost totals at least $320,000.

The Board of Directors of the ABA has mandated that the Book Sense budget be balanced for fiscal year 2003 - 2004, commencing October 1, 2003. This means that all of the aspects of Book Sense, from the White Box mailings through the printing and mailing of the various 76 Lists, to the operation of BookSense.com and all other programs must find ways to pay for themselves in their entirety.

Granted, the White Box mailings are partially subsidized by our Publisher Partners, and we assess a fair share of the costs of each box and invoice each participating Partner accordingly. But just as each Publisher Partner has a responsibility to pay for its participation, so does each recipient. While Book Sense remains free to booksellers, it's now time that we call upon every Book Sense store to become more active in the program.

The opportunities for this participation are simple and varied: regular reporting to the Book Sense Bestseller List, sending in nominations to the various Book Sense 76 Lists, maintaining permanent Book Sense 76 displays in your store, and actively promoting the Book Sense Gift Card program. While the majority of Book Sense stores have been active in one or more of the above, it is distressing to note the number of stores who have never reported to the Bestseller List, never sent in a nomination for a 76 List, and never reordered Book Sense Gift Certificates, which leads to the conclusion that they are not being promoted in those stores.

Beginning with the January 2004 White Box mailing, we will be shipping boxes only to stores that have demonstrated a willingness to actively participate in the partnership that is Book Sense. In order to continue to receive the White Box each month, we are requiring that stores do two out of four of the following:

  • Report to the Book Sense Bestseller List at least three weeks out of each month. (Need help? Please e-mail Bill Cunningham with your questions at [email protected].)
  • Send in at least one Book Sense 76 nomination each quarter to Dan Cullen at [email protected]. (Need help getting started? Please see www.bookweb.org/read/5156 for suggestions. To make it even easier, go to our online nomination form at www.bookweb.org/read/6305. We will also be mailing blank nomination forms in each monthly White Box for use by you and your staff.)

  • Establish and maintain a Book Sense 76 display area in your store where consumers may pick up the various 76 flyers and find some of the titles mentioned within.
  • Actively participate in the Book Sense Gift Card program. (Questions about this new program? Please go to www.bookweb.org/read/6303 for a full overview.)

Partnering with Book Sense in these ways can only help to improve the program. The Book Sense Bestseller List will become stronger as it will be based on the collective sales of more stores, and the potential for pick-up by more and larger media outlets will increase; the 76 Lists will become richer and more varied as additional recommendations are offered, giving voice to additional publishers and exposure to more bookstores; and publishers will see more stores actively involved in trying to sell more of their books and will continue and, hopefully, increase their support of the program.

If you choose not to participate in any way as outlined above, you will still remain a Book Sense store, but will not receive the monthly White Box mailing.

Since joining the Book Sense team over three years ago, I've said over and over that the program is all about you, the booksellers. I stand by that statement as I encourage you to partner with us more fully as we look to the next five years and beyond.

Mark Nichols
Director, Book Sense Marketing
[email protected]